Feb 17 2

www . newellstrength . com www . unlockingyourinnerstrength . com
The Newell Strength Newsletter February 2017 In the February 2017 Issue :
➢ Member of the Month : Katherine Batch ➢ Book of the Month : What Every BODY is Saying ➢ Newell Strength Exclusive articles inside this edition :
❖ Why Did No One Ever Tell You Where to Find Hidden Muscle ?
❖ Dax is Not a Lion
❖ Enjoy the Power and Beauty of Your Youth
❖ It ’ s Not the What But the Why
❖ Turns Out Abe Lincoln Was Right
“ Stop waiting for someone to give you permission to BE great . Only YOU can give yourself the permission to be great .” – Kyle
Member of the Month : Katherine Batch
Katherine is coming up on a year ’ s anniversary at Newell Strength . She came to us on a referral of a friend and we are sure glad she did ! Katerhine is a former competitive swimmer whom was looking for a new challenge in her workouts . Katherine ’ s athleticism shows clearly in the way she grasps the movements taught to her almost instantly and then rapidly increases in strength . Not more than a few weeks after setting the goal to be able to do a pull up , unassisted , she did it . Not an easy feat for a female or most men ! The best part about Katherine however is that she always greets us with a smile and is always positive and energetic . Katherine is a great role model for younger female athletes and we are damn glad that her friend introduced her to us all those months ago . Way to go Katherine !