FEAS Yearbook FEAS Yearbook 2014 | Page 37

FEDERATION OF EURO-ASIAN STOCK EXCHANGES ANNUAL REPORT JUNE 2013 BUCHAREST STOCK EXCHANGE 7. Develop the dialog between BVB and relevant institutions/authorities BVB promotes a constructive dialogue with the NSC, to the end of promoting proposals aiming the development of stock exchange market. Following the meetings with the NSC members at BVB’s Board level, joint working groups were set up at executive level intended to implement the actions agreed by the senior management. In addition, regular meetings with the representatives of the relevant authorities were organized to promote strategies proposed by BVB (such as the promotion of a stimulating taxation framework for issuers and investors, the development of privatizations through stock exchange mechanisms). A success in this regard was the amendment to the Fiscal Code, by which the number of tax statements afferent to earnings/losses of value from transfer of securities (other than shares and securities for closed companies) was reduced, becoming effective starting with January 1, 2013. Hence, the four quarterly statements submitted before this amendment were replaced by only one annual tax statement, the number of payments for the tax owed following such operations being also reduced. A remarkable event of the year was the partnership with the London Stock Exchange, which was marked by the official opening of a trading session at BVB followed by the official opening of a trading session at the LSE by a delegation built up of representatives of the capital market in Romania and chaired by a representative of the Government of Romania. Various events were organized for the purpose of mutual knowing, experience exchange and joint projects’ promotion. During the year, BVB organized presentations at several international events to the end of promoting the Romanian capital market, its potential and also the announced privatizations. 8. Increase BVB’s educational role One of the objectives of this strategic direction is to change BVB into an opinion leader with regard to the capital market. To this end, an HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT There are more than 125 years since the first trading floor opened its doors in the centre of Bucharest, very close to the National Bank, on the 1st of December 1882. This event followed the first “Law on bourses, mercantile traders and intermediaries” enacted in 1881, following the French model. This bill was the legal framework for the functioning of the stock and mercantile exchanges in Romania. It developed into a very dynamic exchange due to the companies listed, mainly from sectors like banking, mining, oil, insurance and transport. During the wars, as the entire Romanian economy flourished, the Stock Exchange also educational programme was designed, its beneficiaries being students, investors, issuers, companies and mass-media. The collaboration with Junior Achievement Romania, a non-profit organization which implements economic, entrepreneurial, financial and professional orientation education programmes in schools, generated several activities and events which involved the capital market, the stock exchange investments, trading competitions and official prize awarding. Hence, 4 conferences, 2 webinars were organized in the country, as well as the Job Shadow Day event for 2 high-school students wishing to become brokers. A trading competition was also organized in partnership with JAR and Tradeville, to which more than 500 students participated. The collaboration with the Bucharest School of Business has led to the inclusion of the stock exchange investment among the stages of “The Apprentice” contest. The “Afterschool BVB” Programme, a new educational programme, opened the sequence of interactive practical seminars, following the interest expressed by investors for technical and practical information. The project scope for 2012 was to intensively train more than 150 existing and potential investors, Wall-street.ro readers, in the field of financial instruments and stock exchange mechanisms used by BVB. BVB has organized several internship programmes of which 11 students from economic and legal areas benefited, contributing in this manner to their familiarizing with the special procedures and mechanisms, training them either for a professional orientation, or for the capacity of investor. The conferences and seminars organized by BVB or to which BVB actively participates are likely to have the largest impact, due to the opportunity of a direct dialogue with a great number of participants. In this regard, 2012 was a very intense year, the 17 conferences and seminars representing a record number recorded its booming period. In 1935 there were 56 shares listed and 77 fixed income securities. After a peak in 1938, the Stock Exchange was closed in 1948, when the new communist regime nationalized all companies. compared to previous years. Among other events organized by BVB or to which BVB participated as partner, the following are worth mentioning: • an educational seminar for companies in the portfolio of Fondul Proprietatea, during which a presentation of the GEO 109/2011 and its effects was made (in partnership with the Corporate Governance Institute and FP); • an educational seminar for financial managers of the companies listed with BVB and of those included in FP’s portfolio (with the support of Bloomberg); • the “Capital Market Maturity” conference (organized in partnership with Wall-street. ro); • an interactive workshop regarding the DOs and DON’Ts survey on tender books and execution of public offers for state-owned companies through BVB (in partnership with OPSPI and Erste Group Bank AG). BVB has also actively participated in: events for institutional investors, organized by Wood&Company in Warsaw, by Erste Bank in Vienna and by FP in Bucharest, the “Entrepreneur, seeking financing” conference organized by Wall-street.ro, the seminar on stock exchange education, organized by Wall-street.ro in partnership with Pioneer Asset Management, the sequence of conferences organized by International Business Promotion, “New reality in business. Road toward performance”. BVB was equally concerned with continuing the series of events under the “Open Doors Day at the BVB” programme, aiming to familiarize a high number of visitors with the basic principles of the stock exchange operations, the presentations under this programme being adapted according to the age and knowledge level specific for each targeted group. The transparency level with regard to BVB’s events and activities increased, with daily communications on new products, novelties in the regulatory field, events, decisions of BVB’s Board, official openings intended to mark some events or to honor certain personalities. The most recent regulations are harmonized with the latest EU legislation regarding the capital market. Institutional changes took place also during its 15 years of operation. Set up in the beginning A new beginning for the Romanian capital as a public interest institution, Bucharest Stock market was in 1994 when Romanian Parliament Exchange went through a demutualisation passed the first capital market law, setting process in 2005. The BVB externalised the up the legal framework for creation of all new registry/ clearing functions and the new Central capital market institutions. Depository was set up at the beginning of 2007, having the Exchange its main shareholder. The Bucharest Stock Exchange was re- BVB, along with the Central Depository, the established in April 1995, and the first trading Corporate Governance Institute, the newly set day took place on 20 November, same year. up Bucharest Clearing House for the derivatives From the beginning, the entire trading process market and Investors Compensation Fund, is took place in a dematerialised environment. currently part of the BVB Financial Group. PAGE 37