Fault Is Of The Sufferer Fault Is Of The Sufferer | Page 31

22 The Fault is of the Sufferer fault is of the sufferer,’ then even if the daughter-in-law hurts her over and over again, the mother-in-law will immediately understand, ‘It must be my fault, that is why she is hurting me!’ Then there will be closure. Otherwise, there will not be closure and instead vengeance will continue to increase. It is Difficult to Understand, Yet it is the Reality! It is no one else’s fault at all. Whatever fault there is, it is certainly your own. It is due to your own fault that all this persists. What is this founded on? The answer is, ‘Your mistake.’ Questioner: Although late, I have understood it now. Dadashri: Understanding it late is a very good thing. On the one hand, the body becomes old and useless, and on the other hand, this understanding sets in. So much work becomes accomplished! And what if this is understood when the body is young and useful? ‘We’ have given the essence of all the scriptures in the phrase, ‘The fault is of the sufferer.’ If you go to Mumbai, you will find that, ‘The fault is of the sufferer’ is written in large letters inside thousands of homes. Therefore, when glasses fall and break in the house, at that moment, the children immediately look around at each other and say, “Mom, it is your fault.” Even the children understand it! They tell their mother, “Your face appears upset, therefore you are at fault!” If the yogurt soup turns out salty, then just look around to see, ‘Whose face seems upset?’ Yes, that person is at fault. If the lentil soup bowl slips and spills, look around to see, ‘Whose face looks upset?’ Then it is that person’s fault. If the curry turns out to be spicy, then you should look around at the faces to see, ‘Whose face looks upset?’ Then that person is at fault. Whose fault is this? The fault is of the sufferer!