Fault Is Of The Sufferer Fault Is Of The Sufferer | Page 17

8 The Fault is of the Sufferer law of nature, then your path will become straightforward and if you honor the law of the government, then you will continue to become entangled. Questioner: But Dada, he should be able to find that fault himself, shouldn’t he? Dadashri: No, one cannot find it himself. But he needs someone to point it out to him. There should be such a person he can trust. Once the fault is seen, then within two or three occurrences it will come into his experience. That is why we have said that if you do not understand, then write down this much at home, ‘The fault is of the sufferer.’ If the mother-in-law is continuously bothering you and you are not able to sleep at night, but when you go to see her, she is sound asleep, snoring away, then you should understand that it is your fault. The mother-in-law has soundly fallen asleep. The fault is of the sufferer. Do you like this point or not? So, if you just understand that the fault is of the sufferer, then not a single quarrel will remain in the home. First of all, learn how to live life. There will be fewer quarrels at home. Then learn other things! If the Other Person Does not Understand, Then What? Questioner: Some people are such that no matter how well we conduct ourselves with them, yet they do not understand. Dadashri: When the other person does not understand, then it is certainly your fault. Why is it that you did not come across some one who could understand you? Why is it that the circumstance of meeting this particular person came to you? Every time you have to suffer something, it is as a result of your own fault.