Fashion promotion: Real life example retail & PR report | Page 7

When looking at how we consume and use media everyday we can see there are many different trends and habits depending on the age of the person . To define the person , they will either be out in the Millennial Generation or the Non Millennial Generation . The Non Millennial ’ s are usually your parents and grandparents , the people who weren ’ t bought up with lots of technology . Your Millennial ’ s are usually you , people who are under 30 and have grown up with technology being the biggest thing in their lives . Millennial ’ s have grown up on the new types of media , however when looking at how many hours a week both generations spend consuming media we can see it is very similar . It ’ s what types if media they consume that are very different .
( Morton , 2016 , Leture Powerpoint , page 2 )
This graph shows us that Non-millennial ’ s spend more time consuming traditional media like TV , Radio etc . However , Millennial ’ s spend more time using things like Social Media , the internet , Video Gaming etc . But how does this change as the Millennial ’ s get older and go through different stages in their lives ?
( Morton , 2016 , Leture Powerpoint , page 3 )
As we can see from the above chart use in new media form slowly grows as the person goes through life stage . The biggest change being when the person is a student , they consume more New Media at this point in their life than at any other stage . This also means that their use of Traditional Media has decreased at the point as well however as they pass the student faze of life and start to have a family and get their own house or apartment their use of Traditional Media grows again .
When a brand is looking at how to advertise itself and its products they must look at what generation they ’ re targeting . If they are trying to get customers that are in the Non-millennial generation then they need to use more Traditional Media methods as that is what they consume most . If targeting the Millennial generation then they need to be using New Media methods like social media , the internet and digital media like online magazines . This doesn ’ t mean that either generation won ’ t see the lesser used media method but the brand will need to cater to the generation that they want to buy their products .