Fashion Odds ( JUNE 16', Issue 22.) | Page 40


Andrea Sartore

Our editorial team decided that we just had to nominate a photographer as "Photographer Of The Year" we knew there was no better choice than Andrea Sartore, his photography enhances and reshapes reality, This is the ideology that guides him and distinguishes the greats! Andrea doesn't only execute behind the lense but he follows with detail every step of the production; design, from birth to the realization of the idea, with post production and the realization of the finished product. Andrea focuses on innovation and the image quality of the idea. Andrea isnt only the best of 2016! But he works with the top professionals with sophisticated techniques in beauty and design.

Editors' Comments-

"His Work Is Exceptional."

'Captivating Beauty!!"

"By Far My Favorite EU Photographer."

Follow Andrea and his work at and on Instagram at @ANDREA_SARTORE_PHOTOGRAPHER