Farmers Review Africa July/Aug 2016 | Page 10

Country Focus Agriculture - The case of Kenya Agriculture remains the most grow cash crops. ownership. European-owned important economic activity in Kenya, From independence in 1963 to the oil agriculture remains generally large- although less than 8% of the land is crisis in 1973, the agricultural sector scale and almost entirely commercial. used for crop and feed production. expanded by undergoing two basic After the 1973 oil crisis, agricultural Less than 20% of the land is suitable changes: first, widespread growth slowed as less untapped land for cultivation, of which only 12% is acceptance of private ownership became available. Government classified as high potential (adequate (replacing tribal ownership) and cash involvement in marketing coupled with rainfall) agricultural land and about crop farming; second, the success of inefficient trade and exchange rate 8% is medium potential land. The rest intensive nationwide efforts to expand policies discouraged production during of the land is arid or semiarid. About and upgrade the production of African the 1970s. Coffee production booms in 80% of the work force engages in smallholders. Before World War II the late 1970s and in 1986 have in the agriculture or food processing. ( 1 9 3 9 – 4 5 ) e n d e d , a g r i c u l t u ra l past temporarily helped the economy in Farming in Kenya is typically carried development occurred almost its struggle away from deficit spending out by small producers who usually exclusively in the "White Highlands," and monetary expansion. Although the cultivate no more than two hectares an area of some 31,000 sq km expansion of agricultural export crops (about five acres) using limited (12,000 sq mi) allocated to immigrant has been the most important factor in technology. These small farms, white settlers and plantation stimulating economic development, operated by about three million companies. Since independence, as much agricultural activity is also farming families, account for 75% of part of a land consolidation and directed toward providing food for total production. Although there are resettlement policy, the Kenya d o m e s t i c c o n s u m p t i o n . Ke nya ' s still important European-owned government, with financial aid from agriculture is sufficiently diversified to coffee, tea, and sisal plantations, an the United Kingdom, has gradually produce nearly all of the nation's basic increasing number of peasant farmers transferred large areas to African foodstuffs. To some extent, Kenya also July - August 2016 [10]FARMERS REVIEW AFRICA