Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #20 November 2015 | Page 38

mumbled, the effort to make conversation robbing my voice of all emotion, so it came out flat. “Are you alright? You don’t sound yourself?” she asked, hobbling out the room, the kettle already whistling softly. The thought of my garden, overrun with those otherworldly mushrooms made me shudder. Their pale bodies crowding around my harvest, shading them from the sun so they withered and died, destroying everything and growing larger and larger until I wouldn’t be able to resist and control myself. I found myself holding a crushed mushroom up to my face, completely unaware that I had taken it from my bag. At the same moment I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror opposite, my eyes wide and red rimmed. But, it wasn’t this that made me drop the mushroom, that made me fling my entire bag against the wall and cover my mouth with both hands. My skin had turned transparent. The same golden veins that threaded through the mushrooms caps were now under my skin, glittering like tiny rivers. My hair was grey, and when I tentatively touched the strands at my cheek with shaking fingers, it fell away in clumps. A low whimper slipped through my fingers, my face wet with tears. Mushrooms of varying sizes were bursting from my skin, clustering under my top, around my neck and atop my head. Now I had seen them, broken from the daze of uncontrolled feeding I could feel them swelling under my skin, creating domes that split into wounds, liberating them. My clothing was wet with the juices of crushed mushrooms, trapped under my clothing. My swollen belly heaved, and I gagged into my hand, cheeks puffing as the urge to vomit overcame me. I couldn’t do it though, the sickness whirling in my stomach as I gag