Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #20 November 2015 | Page 30

rules?” “They’re in the kitchen. Do you remember the “No running. Hold them like this.” Emily stuck out an arm, imaginary scissors encased in her fist. Christopher nodded with a small smile and Emily ran from the room laughing. He heard drawers being pulled open and the sound of cutlery clinking together. Christopher leaned back into the sofa and closed his eyes. Even if nothing else happened, he would need to talk to Claire. Emily’s behaviour had been too strange. She would blame him without a doubt. Even if he hadn’t found the box she would have blamed him. He sighed and opened his eyes. Emily stood in front of the chair, brandishing the scissors. Face dark. Smiling. “Daddy I need your hair.” Christopher laughed nervously. “My hair?” “Uncle Jack needs it. So I need it.” With two hands she opened the scissors, holding them like shears, then lurched forward towards him. Christopher dived off the chair, rolling to the ground, missing the scissors by inches as he stood and grabbed them. Emily screamed, pushing forward and snapping at his hands. She clung to the scissors with an impossible grip, strong as a man. Christopher grunted and heaved, ripping the scissors from her hands. She jumped and scrambled for them, still screaming, face filled with a dark rage. He ran to the kitchen and threw the scissors on top of the large fridge freezer then whipped around, ready to defend himself. Emily stood in the doorway, shoulders hunched, face turned upwards towards him. Her teeth were bared. “Give them back.” “Emily this has gone on long enough.” “Give them BACK!” “Emily, stop. I will not accept this behaviour. You could have hurt me. You could have hurt yourself!” “GIVE THEM BACK.” Christopher stared her down, then said quietly, “I warned you Emily. Little girls who don’t behave don’t get to keep their toys.” He began walking forward and realisation flashed in her eyes. Emily screamed again and fled the room, but was not quick enough. Christopher swiped the box from the living room floor and walked away. Emily pulled at his clothes, screaming and crying. Begging him, apologising, but it did no good. The box was transforming his daughter into something ugly, and Christopher had had enough. It was early afternoon and he was wide awake. There would be no mistaking it this time. Christopher would lock the box in his shed and that would be that. *** “I’m telling you Claire, she’s not right. I think she needs to see a doctor.” “Oh for God’s sake Christopher, do you have to overreact about everything?” “She ran at me with scissors!” “She’s seven!” 30