Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #18 September 2015 | Page 9

The blood splattered as Asher went flying backward against the white wall of his room. Slamming the door after Adam left, it wasn’t long before the booming music played yet again. BOOM tick tick tick tick BOOM. Am I more human now? thought Adam as he held back his tears. I do have feelings… I guess I have learned to lie. Asher slowly felt the side of his head and began to cry. “My mother is gonna kill you,” he whined before passing out. 4. Adam knew he had to call for an emergency vehicle. He could only hope he’d not be dismantled. It was not how he wanted his life to end. “My name is Michelle,” said the beautiful young woman with dark, auburn hair at the front door. “I’m Aryana’s older sister. I guess she didn’t tell you I was coming. That figures.” Not wanting to worry about it, he left the room and found the first aid kid. He then put a bandage on Asher’s face and used his own mind’s calling system to alert the paramedics. Adam shook his head and replied, “I’m sorry, she didn’t. However, I will verify your relation. You may wait in the living room.” “Don’t call anybody about this,” said Asher as he sat on his bed, allowing Adam to treat his wound. Michelle walked inside and said, “Wow… my sister wasn’t lying. You really are a handsome A.I.” “But they are on their way,” said Adam. Adam smiled and said, “Thank you, and yes, you are indeed her sister. Forgive me for making you wait.” “Then call them off!” ordered Asher. “Alright,” replied Adam. She warmly laughed and said, “Yeah, you made me wait a whole three seconds. It was unbearable.” The silence grew between them before a knock was heard at the door. He was beginning to get used to sarcasm; it seemed to be their family trait. “Brother? Are you O.K?” asked Priscilla. “I thought I heard pounding noises.” “Can I get you a drink?” asked Adam. “It was just the music, sis,” replied Asher. “Go back to your room and leave me alone.” “No, thanks,” she replied while taking off her white jacket. “I’m good. I know my way around this house too, so don’t worry about playing butler for me.” Asher’s stony blue eyes stared at Adam for a few seconds until he finally said, “You’re a stupid robot, you know that? I don’t care if Mother is doing you. I hate your guts.” He nodded and said, “Well, I have to get back to helping Priscilla with her free falling game.” Adam got up and headed for the door. “You don’t have to like me,” replied Adam. “I am not human… therefore I have no feelings and do not require your approval.” Michelle laughed and said, “You really do everything for them, don’t you?” “G