Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #18 September 2015 | Page 72

down, relieving themselves at will and laughing; and more were literally rolling in with the surf, totally and hopelessly wasted. I guess they are going to take over the world after all, just not the way either species thought. Oh well, if you can’t beat ‘em... Join ‘em, echoed in the back of my weary mind. I plopped down onto the sand, stretched out my legs and leaned over to rest on one elbow but placed it right into a pile of alien slime and slipped. After righting myself and wiping the smelly goo from my arm, I opened the bottle and drew a long, satisfying pull. A rousing cheer worked its way down the beach in celebration of my shot. I lifted a leg and forced out a resounding fart in response, which brought even more cheers. my own portly belly and bald head to the Greens tickled my mind; I was just a pasty, fuzzy and slightly larger version. I soon found myself completely nude and awash on a wave of slimy, stinking green bodies... and laughing hysterically. I took another long slug from the bottle and let myself fall back onto the sand. I stared at the azure sky above; the squishing, slurping and laughing melded with the sounds of the surf. My eyes slid shut, and for the first time in a very, very long time a grin parted my face. Their numbers grew. I was being jostled and bumped from all directions, then I was floating on indifference and a carpet of extraterrestrials. My shoes, and then my shirt, disappeared into the fray below me, but I held the bottle tight with both hands and managed to slop some more liquor into my mouth as I flowed along. The resemblance of 72