Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #18 September 2015 | Page 58

Sergius the Sorcerer By Eddie D. Moore Sergius the Sorcerer heard the screams, and watched as the city burned in the distance. He had warned the emperor that blood magic could be very unpredictable, and he begged him not to proceed. What were the odds that everything would fall apart on the very night the Tattooed Legion returned home in triumph and celebrated victory? Sergius had purposely kept a precautious distance from the soldiers ever since the emperor sliced his palm and added the blood required for the magic to work. Reluctantly, he worked the blood magic at the emperor’s command. The effectiveness of the soldiers was undeniable; after receiving the tattoos infused with blood magic, the emperor’s inner will provided them all with purpose and direction. The plan and magic had worked perfectly, until tonight. When the sounds of violence quieted, Sergius adjusted his gloves and guardedly walked into the chaotic city. Bodies littered the streets in twisted positions, as if they had fallen from a considerable height; a few clearly had fallen. He found a few soldiers grieving beside bodies and lamenting actions that they had no control over. Their wide eyed and confused expressions struck Sergius deep in his heart, because he understood that they had not killed and burned by their own will. These men had been driven to action by the compulsion and intense desire of their emperor. Sergius stepped over the body of a soldier that had chosen to fall on his own sword when the compulsion faded. He laid a comforting hand on a soldier kneeling beside a woman’s