Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #12 March 2015 | Page 36

came over me, different people and places. But all had this.” She pointed to the amulet. “And a soft song like voice kept saying something. And that is the last thing I remember before opening my eyes. Now my wound is gone.” She pointed to the hole in her blouse. Jake didn’t interrupt her. “It closed with a flash of green.” She looked back at Jake. “What does it all mean?” It was then that Vincent got up. His smile was even bigger now. He walked over to Margo, placing a finger on her nose. “Pretty lady.” Margo glanced at Jake who motioned to her that it was fine. Vincent removed his Nevermore - Valery Riddle PAGE 36 finger. “Pretty lady not alone anymore.” He smiled again. “Pretty lady has a friend.” “What friend, Vincent?” Jake asked. “A big and swirly friend.” Vincent’s eyes went out of focus for a moment. He lost his balance, and swayed to one side. Margo grabbed him by the hand. He looked at her, then spoke in a more normal voice. “It was lonely. It heard your call. It brought you back, and braided your fates together. You and the Nexus are the same now. It’s in your head.”