Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #11 February 2015 | Page 24

Part Seven: We go to them “Holy cow, you’re a Vuur!” Jake realised, chuckling inwardly. Of course Margo would turn out to be a Vuur. She was almost two meters tall, looked like an Amazon, and was the most ferocious person he knew. “19 Sherwood Lane. Next town over.” Margo knew that address. It was the one shown at the bottom of the bowl. She walked towards Jake, picking up random weapons lying around. They were all human made, with magical boosts in the form of runes etched on them. “We’re gonna need all the help we can get.” She waited for Jake to get ready and then grabbed his hand. Jake’s exclamation brought Margo back to reality. She stared at Jake, ceasing her amazement at her new speed she was testing by shadow boxing. His voice was louder: “I’m a what?” She only had a superficial knowledge of the common demonic species. That was what happened when one had weapons that could kill anything. “Just don’t land in any dumpsters now. If I have to pick out rotten lettuce from my hair again I’ll punch you.” Jake wagged his finger at her with a mock serious tone. “A Vuur. Well, a half of one, anyway. It’s a demonic species. There are very few left, only one clan I think. They are huge telekinetic demons that feed on the spiritual energy of others by engulfing them in flames, and then sucking the flames through their skin. Explains how you got the hang of telekinesis so quickly. Pretty powerful, if you don’t count the fact that they can be bested by silverware.” When the haze that usually accompanied teleportation passed, Jake, recovering first, discovered they were in a broom closet. Margo tried to open the door. It was locked. “What do you mean?” “Oh, the only way to kill the buggers is silver to the heart. Like a werewolf. Only a full Vuur’s heart is on its right side instead of the left and their ribs are like steel. One needs either a very strong arm or very good aim.” Jake stopped talking and pointed at the pile of ash. “Uhm, wasn’t Malik supposed to tell us where the Nexus is before he died?” Margo realised that only she saw the vision. “He, he did. He had a strong power of premonition, and could transfer what he saw to others.” “Ok then. Where are we going?” PAGE 24 Margo laughed. “Don’t worry, I’m going to focus better this time.” “I’ve always wanted to do this.” she smirked, grasped the handle, and with one downwards move broke the mechanism. They quic