Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #11 February 2015 | Page 16

Population dwindled, industry stopped. People boarded themselves up in their houses. Stockpiling food, weapons they made to burn the infected and because they still didn’t know the water was contaminated, they boarded themselves up with their own death. Eventually everyone was infected. Everyone but me. I seemed to be immune. I’ve drunk the water, been around the dying, even been touched by the infected. And yet I still lived. *** Now I wander with no destination in mind, a flame thrower on my back, cleaning up the mess the Taque created. I wonder, if I’m immune could others be as well? Am I really the only one left? As I ponder, movement catches my eye. Large lizard in the Sun - Laurie Smith PAGE 16 More zombies, come around a burnt out building, hardly recognizable as a family residence. They move slowly, uncoordinated, as the collective try to control the rotting bodies. Faces expressionless, eyes sightless, clothes dirty and torn, it was easy to see they were no longer human. There were three, a man, a woman and a small child. Had they been a family? I’ll never know. As they shamble forward I unleash the flame thrower on them, trying not to think of them as human anymore, especially the child. It always gets to me, the children, makes me rage at the Taque for their cowardly means of eradicating us. I’d like to eradicate them, but what could one man do against an entire race? I wasn’t a geneticist that could repay them in kind or a warrior for that matter. I was a college student studying to be a teacher. Now there’s no one to teach. My grip on sanity slips a little more as I watch what might have once been a family, burn.