Family & Life Magazine Issue 7 | Page 18

NURTURE Say No to Touch & Go By Jade Tan Dealing with Public Molestation Singapore faces about 1400 cases of sexual violation each year, a large percentage of them taking place on public transport. Many more go unreported because victims are unwilling to come forward. HAVING AN INTIMATE TALK WITH YOUR CHILD We no longer live in the Neanderthal era, when cavemen clubbed women over their heads and dragged them back to their caves. These days, we eat our pizza with a fork and knife, and rinse our hands after we use the loo. But sometimes, rogue hands and other body parts still break the unspoken “Do Not Touch” rule by making their sneaky way onto delicate, not-for-sale displays. In our civilised times, this is termed as an outrage of modesty. 1 How to recognise inappropriate sexual behaviour. This can be done by identifying your child’s intimate areas (e.g. parts covered by undergarments). Beyond physical touch, questions or stories regarding those areas should also ring alarm bells. 2 They can directly refuse requests that they are uncomfortable with and leave. Reassure them that it is okay to say “no”. 3 Never to keep sexual incidents as a secret. Encourage them to notify a person of authority, or at least another “auntie” or “uncle” immediately after it has occurred so that they can help. STOPPING A M OLES HIS OR HER TR TER IN ACKS! 1 Press the Emer gency Communication Button (ECB) beside th e door of the trai n to talk to the train officer and rela te to him/her what ha d happened. 2 Look for the ca rriage number; it is a four-digit number displayed at the adjoining part of each carriage, lo cated on the pane l against the twoseaters. Mentio n the carriage numbe r of the carriage you are in to the trai n officer. 18 Family & Life • Apr 2014 It appears so, with crime reports showing a one percent overall increase between 2011 and 2012, and 39 more offences being recorded on public transport. Law firm Gloria James-Civetta & Co receives an average of three to five molestation investigation charges monthly. When one during peak hours. No, really, try entering you reach will not alight before dge yourself into one, you t has been you finally manage to we even that errant hand tha hell or high water. Not your destination, come packed ride so that’s past two minutes. It’s a against your thigh for the brushing normal, you reason. ant hand was at the owner of that err es. Or, that could be wh this manner That’s true. Sometim ention to themselves in no one wants to call att t n be hard to identify. counting on – the fact tha After all, molestation ca ging an innocent party. and risk wron pass their ill-intent as an ow perpetrators to try to owded environments all Cr happen excessively, sh. If these “accidents” tal bump, an innocent bru owledge, advises Louis acciden ked intention and/or kn y could be evidence of wic mention if a victim however, th