Family Caregiver Resource Guide - Albuquerque 1 | Page 50

Presbyterian Medicare Advantage Plans..................................... ................................................................. 800-347-4766/TTY 711 Adelante Development Center.............................. 505-341-7135 5411 Osuna Rd. NE MEDICARE Blue Cross Blue Shield Of New Mexico....................................... ....................................................... 866-597-6505.. TTY/TDD 711 Presbyterian Medicare Advantage................................................ ...................................800-347-4766/TTY 800-659-8331 or 711 F SPOT A STROKE A S T Face Arm Speech Time to Drooping Weakness Difficulty Call 9-1-1 Everyone is met with legal or financial issues occasionally, but many seniors have an especially hard time since many of them are living on very fixed incomes. Seniors are not without resources though. In fact, we’ve collected many of the most useful ones available right here. The Family Caregiver Resource Guide helps Caregivers and seniors find information on reverse mortgages, estate planning, wills, senior law practices, financial service firms, guardianship, as well as legal aid. When New Mexico’s seniors are able to take care of their legal and financial issues on their own, their sense of independence is fortified. ESTATE PLANNING / WILLS / SENIOR LAW PRACTICES ABQ Elder Law, PC / Lori Millet............................. 505-830-0202 4004 Carlisle Blvd. NE, Suite L A M Law................................................................... 505 872-3022 LegalShield, Inc / Val Romero............................... 505-362-8546 Face Drooping: Does one side of the face droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile. Is the person’s smile uneven? Arm Weakness: Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the (505) 681-5093 person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward? Val Romero phrase. Is their speech slurred or strange? symptoms, even if the symptoms go away, call 9-1-1 and get the person to the hospital immediately. Check the time so you’ll know when the first symptoms appeared. THINK YOU ARE HAVING A STROKE? CALL 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY! Services that meet your needs! 505-362-8546 [email protected] Time to Call 9-1-1: If someone shows any of these Membership for entire family $19.95 per month Includes a comprehensive will, living will/durable POA & many other prepaid benefits. Speech Difficulty: Ask the person to repeat a simple 50 LEGAL & FINANCIAL • 2017 2017 • BENEFITS, ASSISTANCE & INSURANCE BENEFITS ASSISTANCE 51