Family and Faith Magazine Easter, 2017 | Page 9

MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT “ We will see less crime from those who are exposed to the love of Christ. ” “ Also seeing Jamaica’s name in the holocaust museum in Israel was an eye opener. I always asked God why Jamaica was so blessed. ” spread across Jamaica. The head of this country needs to join God’s people and call forth a national re pentance. Our Prime Minister has the authority over Jamaica and once he calls the nation to a national repentance God will honour this cry of our people and heal our land. God can do it all by Himself when we obey. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). I stand on God's word. I believe if persons really take the time to pray for this nation and I mean really pray, not just talk, we will see changes. Faith without works it is dead. I can't speak for everyone else but the little that God has given this ministry to do we are doing it. Targeting the youths is very important. Our activities with them is wide (mentorship programs, book clubs, home visits with their family, back to school events, workshops etc.) This helps the youths to see and experience life in a whole different light, they also see their worth. We will see less crime from those who are exposed to the love of Christ. If you can't seem to pray alone for what is happening in Jamaica, get someone who can pray with you, go by your church. Get others to agree with you. If you are a Christian keep focused on your mission and stop getting distracted. Jamaica would be at a better place if the body of Christ unites more. Jamaica is a blessed Island, having my own experience in Israel, praying on the Temple Mount and Mount of Olives for Jamaica, I know God answers prayers because I saw the evidence with our own Prime Minister’s historic journey to Israel. Where we saw him agreeing on exactly what we had prayed for. Also seeing Jamaica’s name in the holocaust museum in Israel was an eye opener. I always asked God why Jamaica was so blessed. He showed me while in the museum that Jamaica was one of the few countries that helped the Jews to a restored life in Jamaica during/after the holocaust. This great move on Jamaica’s part has allowed great blessings over our little Island. “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee, and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3) God blesses any nation that blesses Israel. It is a covenant and God is a covenant keeping God. The Almighty God is watching over us, so yes we have hope. Send comments and questions to [email protected] 9