Family and Faith Magazine (Christmas Edition) | Page 21

1 .Making Soap Is Like Making An Aromatic Healthy Meal! EDITOR'S CHOICE Ital Blends uses an array of natural products to make their soaps. We were able to see them adding oatmeal and honey with the goat’s milk and other essential oils to the mixture. We loved the meticulous, organic process involved in soap making – the mixing of the natural ingredients, the cooling, stirring, attention to detail and sheer passion and love that go into the process. It was like making an aromatic healthy meal…but for the skin! 2 .Goats Milk - The Healing Magic in Ital Blends Soaps! We learnt about goat’s milk and its amazing powers! The stories from Ital Blends customers both locally and overseas of how the soaps healed and ‘cleaned up’ their skin, particularly from eczema conditions, were affirming and heartwarming. Goat’s milk is amazing because it is a natural moisturizer and skin rejuvenator. Lipo-proteins present in goats’ milk, absorbs easily into our skin to seal in moisture, prevent dryness and premature aging. Lactic acid, naturally present in goats’ milk and part of the “alpha hydroxy” family, penetrates the top layer of the skin to help your body shed dead skin cells, leaving you with glowing skin. It is close to our skin’s pH level - keeping your skin in perfect balance - which eczema, acne, psoriasis and other painful skin conditions may benefit from. We learnt a lot, didn’t we?! 3 .A Passion for Making Soaps We loved the passion that