Fall Newsletter MGJCL fall newsletter part | Page 5


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Allow me to break all of that down a bit . Certamen is Latin jeopardy , Olympika is sporting contests , and English Oratory is one of the dozens of academic contests kids participate in at nationals . GA stands for general assembly and it the time when national officers speak about various JCL matters and we hear important announcements for the day . Spirit is a beast like no other . For the thirty minutes before each GA , each state delegation participates in spirit where all of a state ? s delegates wear specific outfits , wave banners / signs , and do their state cheers as loudly as humanly possible in the GA room . State fellowship is the time in which your whole state goes into a fun recap of the day / meeting led by your state officers at the end of every day .
Though the schedule I have just described probably sounds like it doesn ? t leave a whole lot of time for ? just meeting new people and hanging out ?, all of my best memories of my first national convention are of times when I was meeting or talking to other JCLers . Those conversations are irreplaceable and create the environment of convention . Everyone wants to meet new people and have the best time they possibly can have : no judgment , and no social stigma , which results in the most fulfilling week where you can truly be yourself . All in all , nationals was an amazing experience that I wouldn ? t trade for anything . From the late conversations to the crazy campaigning , it was an absolute blast . Hope to see you at Miami University in July 2018 for another incredible week -Avery Powers , Second VP
" no j udgment , and no social st igma , which r esult s in t he most f ul f il l ing week wher e you can t r uly be your sel f ."
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A number of Mounties placed surprisingly well on Greek tests , while other Mounties took on MassJCL in Olympika , Graphic Arts , and Creative Arts competitions . Gio Cavalli , ? 19 , for example , placed third overall in Olym pika
While MGJCLers did not have too much success in Certamen , many members of the Mount Greylock delegation fought hard in gladiator battles : two even made it to to the quarterfinals . The gladiator battles , a long-time favorite of Mounties , took place everyday . Mr . Davis , the Mount Greylock sponsor , was so enchanted by the gladiator games that he has even expressed interest in bringing the spirit of gladiatorial combat to Mount Greylock .
The final GA took Mounties on a ride of emotions . Najla Nassar , ? 17 , gave a beautiful speech on the life of the late Mrs . Keeley , former MGJCL sponsor , while Hugh Sanford , ? 17 , bid farewell to MassJCL as an officer . I was officially elected 2017-2018 MassJCL Publications Editor , while a few other Mounties were called up for awards and recognition . While only placing 8th overall for whole school this year , Mounties left prepared to return next year in the top five under the guidance and leadership of MGJCL President Jack LeBlanc , ? 18 , and the brilliant 2017-2018 MGJCL Executive Board . -Jacob Hane , MassJCL PubEd