Fall Newsletter MGJCL fall newsletter part | Page 4

nATIONAL CONVENTION Sweat dripped down m y face. I st ared out at t he vast crowd of people before m e, jaw t ense wit h ant icipat ion and shaking slight ly. Oh, I apologize. I am not a professional at hlet e nor am I a pop superst ar. I m ay have m ade m yself out t o be, but in act ualit y I?m m erely a Lat in nerd. Allow m e t o explain how and why t his all happened and why I wouldn't have changed a t hing. I love Lat in. I m ay not be t he best at sight -reading or be able t o list off t he principal part s of every verb, but I love Lat in. The fascinat ing cult ure of t he ancient Rom ans and m y wonderful classm at es is enough t o have kept m e at it for five years now. During m y t hird year of Lat in and m y Freshm an year in high school, I joined t he Junior Classical League because of m y t hen-t eacher, Marge Keeley. I had init ially dism issed as ?nerdy and quirky and t hough I was com plet ely correct in t his assum pt ion, I couldn't have been m ore m isinform ed about how m uch fun being nerdy could be. A year lat er and I was head over heels in love wit h JCL. Aft er t he st at e convent ion of 2017, I realized I needed m ore t han a weekend. I knew vaguely of Nat ional JCL Convent ion t hrough friends who had been. The st ories of sleep deprivat ion, wild dances, and an endless st ream of Lat in nerds was enough t o get m e t hinking, ?What if I went t o Nat ionals?? I t alked it over wit h m y fam ily and aft er a few weeks of bickering and quest ioning, m y flight s were booked. Flash forward. It ?s July, 1 AM on t he day of m y flight , and I?m just now st art ing t o pack for t he t rip t o Troy Universit y in Alabam a. Donut s, t wo car rides, t wo flight s, and 5 cups of coffee lat er, I arrived at t he Troy Universit y cam pus. It was hot in a way t hat a weak Nort herner like m yself did not t olerat e all t oo well. Sweat ing profusely, I m anaged t o get lost wit hin m y m aze of a dorm , t hough I did m anage t o m ake som e new friends in t he process. The first day of nat ionals was m agical. I would at t em pt t o explain just how one feels but for t he sake of t im e, I?m going t o call it THE BEST DAY EVER!!! The excit em ent of being surrounded by 2,000 of t he best people doing t he craziest t hings on a college cam pus is really quit e incredible. Most days at nat ional convent ion go som et hing like t his: breakfast , Cert am en, Olym pika, English Orat ory et c., social t im e/ lunch, GA/ Spirit , m ore event s (frequent ly polit ical ones like Meet t he Candidat es), dinner, dance/ agora/ karaoke/ escape room et c., st at e Fellowship, go t o dorm s/ sleep. Continued page 5