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The subject of the Spanish Inquisition is well covered as also the idea that these were real people not just some novel idea. The Jews included in his analysis such as those whom he found historical documented evidence on such as a lawsuit that identified Abraham Cohen as the brother of the pirate Moses Cohen Henrique. Kritzler states that he had followed the careers of Abraham and Moses for years but no historian or document had ever linked them together in any way (Kritzler 258). In finding the documents in Jamaica’s library, Kritzler found valid proof of this connection, and that they had been in Jamaica in their old age arguing over the land that possibly contained Columbus’s lost gold mine. The Chronology included in the back of the book is a great reference tool and helps to summarize events within its pages. The maps printed on the back and front cover contain a ship sailing on waters and are designed as Old World maps. There are hundreds of notes and sources at the end of the book that give the reader many links to valuable tools. Valuable insight is given to the subject of Converso’s and migration to Brazil and Peru. Kritzler treats the Jews not only with respect using words such as people of the book but provides accounts of how they were taken advantage for their wealth and persecuted. Peru’s Jewish leaders were put into prison for three years and burned at the stake while others in Mexico were put into cells for up to eight years and then burned. Included also is a condensed account from the writing of historian Seymour Liebman on the Great Conspiracy in Peru and Mexico (Kritzler 149). Liebman writes that the Jews in the richest colony began when a shepherd pulling up a weed bush discovered that the stones sticking to the roots of the plants were actually chunks of silver and from this a mountain of silver was discovered. The Jewish community managed this and they dealt in silver and the major currency of the period known as pieces of eight came from it. In accusing the Jews of heresy those who wanted to claim jump could get the land they wanted and steal the wealth. This is something that was documented in the trial records of the Lima Inquisition. The Chief Inquisitor Andres Juan Gaitan, however said that the reason he was acting against these particular Jews was heresy not greed. However there is supported evidence that he began traveling around in a silver coach driven by horses in silver harness wearing silver horseshoes (Kritzler 1490).

“Jewish Pirates”, also provides a good historical account of the Inquisition and its influence upon Mexico. Three thousand Jews were settled in Mexico and what went on starting July 7, 1642 is recorded by Kritzler as being horrific. He describes the torture methods used and writes,” individual files, complied over the decade, run to hundreds of pages.” The work of a journalist and historian come together to take the reader to a very realistic view of what these people suffered. It also lets the reader know that not every Jew was religious as many times is the assumption. Some were pirates and avenged the things done to them. Many Jews were just trying to stay alive and protect their wives and children. Coming from America with a mindset of a free culture where a person can practice their religion publicly and not fear persecution it can be hard to understand the past and all it held for those who came to the New World for religious freedom. The book Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean awakens in the reader a sense of thankfulness for not having to struggle against such unbalanced odds and face death. History is a reminder that gives great depths of teaching, and if received in the right manner can keep future generations from making the same errors that those prior have. Kritzler by spinning a web of intrigue and truth, though horrific as it is reminding his audience that freedom is a precious thing.

Register for Fall Semester and begin your journey toward a Master of Arts in Jewish Studies at www.atseminary.com

Understand the mindset of Judaism of today, yesterday and during the time of Jesus Christ on earth. Become knowledgable about Biblical Manuscripts written in Hebrew.

Jewish Pirates of the Carribean continued