Faith On The Line - Stress, Stress Go Away Vol 19 | Page 47

“ To God be the Glory His Fruit To Go 2 d be the Glor y ! about the Total Onslaught It must have been roughly five years ago that I heard lectures I needed to hear. I felt presseries from my mom. She kept telling me about these not for the reasons you may think. You sured by her bringing it up again and again, although was raised in the church and attended see at the time, I was not part of the SDA church. I of college. It was a great experience church school, including academy through my first year schools. But when I got out of college and met tist and I am so glad I was able to grow up in the Adven ians, we were basically the same and had nd, I was very naive. I thought that if we were both Christ my husba next at a non-denominational church, and did so for the similar beliefs. So I began attending church with him eleven years. of the doctrines I was taught—the obsolesHowever, through those years, I struggled with some re in rtal soul, and the Second Coming of Christ/ Raptu cence of the Sabbath, the state of the dead/immo issues, I became even more confused. s to study these particular. But when I would sit down with my friend the Bible didn’t seem so clear when been taught as a child that I thought were so clear in The doctrines I had I studied them. nd gave me a New International Version Bible I should mention that when I got married, my husba to King James I’d had since childhood. But as I began as a gift. From that point on, I used it in place of the the Bible, I just got more to search out the answers in question the new doctrines I was being taught and it was all sort of I felt like I was in a spiritual fog. Nothing seemed clear; confused, even to the point where y of Christ when I read the notes nce and the divinit garbled. I even had moments of doubting God’s existe nt of Jesus’ resurrection and some of the earliest manuscripts do not have the accou in my Bible stating that the 40 days He spent on earth afterward. five weeks alone at my mom’s house along with Well, through a miracle of God, I was able to spend nd was working out of state. During that time, I began my two and three-year-old children while my husba jumped at the opportunity to share the Total Onslaught to open up a bit and ask questions of my mom. She one felt the fog lift off my mind. It was amazing! The first DVDs with me. From the moment I watched them, I d and all the pieces began to astounded at what I learne she showed me was the Battle of the Bibles. I was y I saw and understood my old childhood Bible and began reading, immediatel fall into place. As I pulled out sional. It was so much deeper and more to three-dimen so much more—it’s like the Bible had gone from one hearing the truth—straight, direct, known. I felt a huge sense of relief and joy at finally amazing than I’d ever and beautiful. anging to me were The Crime of All Ages and Other DVDs in the series that were especially life-ch I one of the churches on the Strange Fire DVD and Strange Fire. The current church I was attending was was shown and feeling ber being at the meeting that recognized many of the people in it. I particularly remem ing these DVDs, going on and what the preacher was doing. After watch very uncomfortable about what was the years I had not honored God by and remorse for all I had a powerful conversion. I felt incredible sadness to Him in repentance. And I ents. I remember crying hard tears and calling out not obeying His commandm hed. , and cheris felt a wonderful joy at knowing I was forgiven, loved s at my new-found faith and my return I went back home, I knew my husband w