Faith On The Line - Stress, Stress Go Away Vol 19 | Page 28

The start CHALLENGE by Tammie Burak This article is based on Dr. Rudy & Jeanie Davis’ DVD presentation “Life in the Fast Lane - the 21-day Challenge” from the series Healthy From Inside Out. N aturopathic doctors Rudy and Jeanie Davis have developed a sensible do-it-yourself detoxification plan that they have successfully used for over a decade to help patients regain their health. Their 21-Day Challenge consists of three weeks of eating a well-balanced nutrient-dense diet followed by a three-day water fast. Are you tired of doing the same things with the same poor results? The 21-day diet supercharges the cells of the body with nutrients from a range of super-foods and kick-starts the body’s cleansing process. The three-day water fast, which follows the 21 days of healthy eating, frees up energy that would normally be spent on digesting food and provides your body with time to use the nutrients you took in during the 21 days to repair and rebuild tissues. Rudy Davis says, “People who have gone on this program say it has changed them forever.” Are you tired of doing the same things with the same poor results? Are you interested in changing your life? Then maybe it’s time you tried the 21-Day Challenge. Part 1: The 21 Day Program Here is what you need to do for the 21 days leading up to the fast. 1 - Increase Water For 21 days increase the amount of water you drink to 6 cups per day. The brain is 85% water and even slight dehydration can raise stress hormone levels which, over time can damage both the brain and the body. 28 2 - Increase Raw Food Intake Cooked foods dominate most eating plans. To vitalize your body and begin the restorative process, begin eating more raw foods than cooked. Raw foods should make up eighty to ninety per cent of your diet. Cooked foods slow down life processes and accelerate aging. Eliminate all animal products, sugar, white flour, heat-damaged oils, and all processed foods. 3 - Eat Less You should eat about two to three cups of well-chewed food per meal; no more. 4 - Consume Foods That Provide Optimal Nutrition Eat a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. • Choose organic foods as much as possible. • If you can’t get organic foods or can’t afford to buy organic foods, ask the Lord to bless your food. He can make it better than organic. 5 - Consume Good Fats DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is an omega-3 fatty acid making up a large portion of the grey matter of your brain. Fatty acids are half the weight of the brain. During the 21 days of optimal nutrition, eat only good fats. Don’t eat any margarine, butter, mayonnaise, or vegetable oil. Include only cold-pressed nutritional oils to ensure optimal nutrition for your brain. If you’re not getting enough essential fatty acids, you’re not experiencing optimal brain activity. A good source of balanced fatty acids is Udo’s DHA Oil Blend. The DHA comes from seaweed, not fish. Other sources of good fats to include in your diet for 21 days are avocadoes, cashews, brazil nuts, flaxseed, green leafy vegetables, olive oil