Faith in Action 2017 20.08.17 | Page 11

11 21 days in the word of God 1 Isaiah 57:15 How are you looking at this fast? Have you had a contrite and humble spirit or has pride contaminated your heart? Do an introspection and remove from you whatever does not please God. 2 Jeremiah 29:13 If we are to search for God with all our hearts, it means that our hearts can sometimes be divided and given to other things and people. What or in whom have you placed your heart in? 3 Matthew 27:50,51 Jesus’ sacrifice tore the veil so that we may have direct access to God, but oftentimes, we recreate a wedge between us and the Lord through the choices, attitudes and actions that we take. What has been separating you from God? Tear this down. Don’t miss the Wednesday evening service. 4 Luke 10:38-42 Have you been worried and preoccupied about many things? Surrender your cares to God and choose to sit at Jesus’ feet. Seek the Lord while He may still be found. 5 6 Act 2:38 Do you still need to bury your old life? Act 1:8 The Holy Spirit doesn’t come upon us for our own benefit only. He empowers us to go out and give others the opportunity to also receive Him. Be a witness! Tell someone about Jesus today. Remember, as you give, you will receive. 7 Exodus 29:4-7 Aaron and his sons were consecrated as priests to God. The role of the priest was to offer sacrifices to God and sacrifice is what draws us closer to God. What sacrifices can you make today to bring you closer to God? 8 Romans 14:17 Analyse what has changed within you over the past eight days. Take note of the positive changes, but be mindful of your faults and the changes you still need to make. 14 1 Chronicles 16:29 The offerings that we present to God go far beyond the mere fruit of our labour. Our conduct, speech, mind, actions, and decisions are important. In short, who we are is a daily offering to God. What have you been presenting to God? Is it something that honours Him or offends Him? 9 15 16 10 17 1 Peter 2:1-5 Malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, evil speaking – have these been present in your life? Have you entertained these or allowed yourself to spread them? Be honest with yourself and take the necessary actions to ensure you are/ remain part of the holy priesthood. Hebrews 10:19-22 How have you been approaching God? What has taken your confidence away? Is your conscience clean? Examine yourself and tear down whatever veil has impeded you from entering the Holiest with boldness, a true heart and the full assurance of faith. Isaiah 11:2 Do you believe? John 6:27 What is the “food which perishes” that has taken your strength? Take the time you would usually spend on this food and invest it on the “food which endures to everlasting life”. 2 Corinthians 3:15-17 Let go of your past. Tear away this veil! “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty”. BE FREE! 18 Romans 8:14 In what have you not been led by the Spirit of God? Surrender this also to God so that your all can be exchanged for His all: The Holy Spirit. 11 19 12 Galatians 5:20,21 Which of these fruits are still prevalent in your life? Fight to remove them from you. 20 13 21 Jude 1:20 Take quality time today to really pray and speak to God. Pour out your heart to Him then seek His presence. Do not be led by your emotions. Galatians 5:22,23 Which attribute of the fruit of the Spirit are you lacking? Seek it from God. John 3:5 Do you need to be baptised in water? If so, speak to the pastor in your branch today. 1 John 5:7 God longs to be one with you also. Put aside every thought that diverts you from this and believe. Acts 2:1-4 The Holy Spirit is a promise of God and God does not lie. Believe and receive the Spirit of God! THE NAMES OF SATAN S The Bible calls Satan by many different names. Each name has a slightly different meaning and understanding each one gives us a fuller understanding of who he is, what he does and how we can fight him back. D O N T M I S S T H E N E W T H O U G H T P R O V O K I N G C H A I N O F P R AY E R E V E R Y F R I D A Y, 7 . 3 0 P M ( A L S O AT 7 A M , 1 0 A M A N D 3 P M )