Faith in Action 2017 10.12.17 | Page 13

13 I BROKE A FOUR-DECADE ADDICTION TO CIGARETTES Marlene smoked one pack of cigarettes every day for more than 40 years. This affected her finances and even her relationship with her children. Continue reading to find out how the Addiction Cleansing Therapy (ACT) sessions helped to turn things around. “I came to the ACT sessions, but I didn’t think it would work for me. I was addicted for many years, and all my attempts to stop smoking didn’t work. To be honest, I thought this would only be one more failed attempt to add to the list. My daughter would complain that I was like a dragon belching out smoke. She had no desire to hug me or to be around me because of the smell. It was so bad that even the neighbours complained. I wouldn’t see much of my money because although I would work a lot, I would spend my earnings on my addiction. Whenever anything was bothering me, I would light up a cigarette to calm myself down. I depended on it.” After attending the ACT sessions faithfully and practising what she was learning there, Marlene broke free from her addiction. “It has now been a year since I have been free from that addiction. This year, I was able to save £3,285 instead of spending £9 per day on cigarettes. My relationship with my children also changed as a result. Now, my daughter enjoys talking to me and spending time with me. The thought of smoking doesn’t even cross my mind. Today, my money is used to invest in my life, in my children, and in my home. I use it for good things. Just a short time after I stopped smoking, I was able to go on holiday for two months. I went to Brazil and travelled through seven cities. Now, with the money that I used to spend on cigarettes, I am able to pay almost £200 pounds to a consortium towards a car for myself. Also, when I do get upset, I am able to control myself. Peace reigns in my home and in my family. My family are proud of me. After 40 years, I can finally say that I am no longer a slave to a cigarette addiction.” Marlene Medina Lima