Faith in Action 2017 05.11.17 | Page 7|7 by the quality of his sacrifice, and the quality of sacrifice shows the quality of faith. This is what pleases God. It does not matter the size of faith, but rather that it be pure, founded upon the Word of God and without even the least doubt. This is the living and absolute faith. Those who wish to conquer great things do not measure the price of the sacrifice they have to pay to get them. If they did, they would be showing that they are not ready to conquer them. To reach an objective, one cannot bargain on the price of its sacrifice. Many have experienced failure because they have focused their eyes more on the cost than on the benefit of the sacrifice. Sacrifice must not be, under any circumstances, a simple attempt, an adventure, or some kind of game the person joins moved by his emotions. Sacrifice results in victory because of faith and determination. for! If he has done it, it is only a matter of time. Even if it takes a while, he does not let anxiety overcome him because he is absolutely sure that the victory is already a fact! When someone sets out to conquer a certain objective, he must never allow thoughts of doubt to enter his heart about the end result. He must believe that the price of his sacrifice already paid the cost of the victory he is looking For more faith-building messages on sacrifice and what it truly means, purchase this book at your local Christian books plus Bookshop. Only £3.99