Faith Heart Magazine Faith Heart Magazine: Volume 4 | Page 26

The most important thing is to reach out and tell someone. Do not let these bullies’ words I HAD A CHILD TELL ME SHE AND HER FRIEND WERE PLANNING HER SUICIDE BECAUSE SHE COULDN’T TAKE THE BULLYING, BUT WATCHING MY SHOW ONE NIGHT, THERE WAS SOMETHING I SAID THAT STOPPED HER. -RUBY GETTINGER Ruby Gettinger: I’ve met so many kids from my Ruby walks, Ruby events, etc., and I’ve received emails from them as well. I’ve spoken with children from all ages. I had a child tell me she and her friend were planning her suicide because she couldn’t take the bullying, but watching my show one night, there was something I said that stopped her. Thank you, Lord. I’ve spoken with children and teenagers dealing with obesity, anorexia, bulimia. I’ve talked to cheerleaders, the popular kids trying to keep up and hated being popular, but had no choice. I know a lot of kids and teenagers have it hard. I try to emphasize to them that they are here for a purpose. God created them in this generation for a reason. There will always be mean people, but the majority of people are kind. If someone is bullying you, please tell your parents or an adult you can trust. Do not feed into what they are saying to you. They are projecting...when someone is being mean to you, it’s really about them. There is more going on with them than you can see. It can be their home life or just someone is bullying them. FAITH HEART MAGAZINE l 22 define you. You are beautiful, and you are God’s masterpiece. Do not fall under the peer pressure, or you will always be a follower. I was never an outcast and I was 350 pounds in high school, but I wasn't going let others determine how I lived my life. Even though I was bigger than anyone else, I didn’t feel any different from anyone else. I was not going to stay away, in a corner or to myself...I made sure I joined in. Ruby Gettinger Sometimes we already feel different or bad about ourselves, so we remain in solitude. Do not let any differences you may have be what defines you or keeps you from living your life. To the parents of a child who is suffering from food issues...please know that food is their “drug of choice” and food is the first thing kids can get their hands on when they have some independence. Children often seek out food when they have bottled up emotions that are too difficult to deal with. It is during this time that food became their “best friend". I wish that someone who saw my problem with food had talked to me about it when I reached 350 pounds in high school.