Faith Heart Magazine Faith Heart Magazine: Volume 4 | Page 22

EVERY SECOND IN A DAY HE LOVES, REACHES OUT ONLY TO BE REJECTED AND BETRAYED. -RUBY GETTINGER Every second in a day He loves, reaches out only to be rejected and betrayed. So who am I to say anything; I became thankful. He gave me the gift to love unconditionally with no judgment. Faith Heart Magazine: Your story is powerful, Ruby. You were once addicted to food. You were obese. Your highest weight was 700+ pounds. Can you share with our readers the life- defining moment that caused you to transform your life? FAITH HEART MAGAZINE l 18 Ruby Gettinger: I will always be addicted to food... just like an alcoholic will always be addicted to alcohol, a drug addict addicted to drugs. Unfortunately, it will always be in us lurking for a way to expose itself and attack me. As I travel down my personal journey, I always felt this as my thorn in my side just like Paul had his thorn. Of course I know God has the power to completely heal my thorn, but this far, like Paul, He has chosen to use it than take it away. I always knew something wasn’t right with my food addiction, because I'm the kind of person that when I make my mind up to do something...I always conquer. At my highest, I was over 750. I am hacky (happy) to say I finally got down to my lowest 319. I’ve had two setbacks since then, so now I am working my way back down to where I was and then setting attainable goals to reach my destiny. I still have days where I feel like, "Oh, I can’t do this" What is going to motivate me, because I can't motivate myself on these days? So I start praying, and I say, "God, You've got to help me. I can't do this. I can't do this." And then I have talks with God.