Faith Filled Family Magazine September 2016 | Page 67

Land. David, the most famed king of Israel and “a man after God’s own heart,” lacked support from his family. The Bible says he was the youngest of all his father’s sons, so belittled that when the prophet Samuel came to their house to choose and anoint the next king, David’s father, Jesse, made him stay outside to watch the sheep. However, according to 1 Samuel 16, God chose to take this youngest son from a shepherd to a king. desire that all of His children live full, abundant lives. Jesus promises this in John 10:10b (NIV) when He says, “...I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” But, these full and abundant lives may not necessarily always include prosperity in the financial sense. God doesn’t want His children to become overly concerned with prospering financially. Of course, it’s perfectly normal to want stable finances to provide for yourself and your family. But, God doesn’t want us to become God loves to take people who obsessed with having money seem to lack all of the neces- because it shifts our attention off sary requirements or qualifica- of Him and onto ourselves. We tions and do unbelievable things begin to become less concerned through them. By doing this, He with God’s kingdom and more shows Himself more fully to other concerned with fulfilling our own people. So, don’t be discouraged desires. if you feel like you aren’t good enough to serve God’s kingdom. Jesus even warns against this Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 12:9 in Matthew 6:19-20 (NIV). He (NIV), “But he said to me, ‘My states, “Do not store up for yourgrace is sufficient for you, for my selves treasures on earth, where power is made perfect in weak- moths and vermin destroy, and ness.’ Therefore I will boast all where thieves break in and steal. the more gladly about my weak- But store up for yourselves treanesses, so that Christ’s power sures in heaven, where moths may rest on me.” God’s power and vermin do not destroy, and can and will be made perfect in where thieves do not break in your weakness, too. and steal.” God knows that sometimes financial prosperity Let’s take a minute and sum up can lead to a dangerous change everything we’ve talked about in our focus from what He wants so far. God may want us to live for us to what we want for ourin lack so that He can show us selves, so sometimes, the abunHimself and our need for Him dant life He has for us may not more. He may want us to live include stable finances. in lack so that He can more fully And that’s okay. reveal His power through us and our circumstances. He never There are other ways that we can uses living in lack as a way to prosper in life that have nothing punish us. to do with money. These ways require us to invest in people There’s one important thing to rather than things. By pourremember, though. It’s God’s ing ourselves into our families, churches, and communities, we are following Jesus’ command in Matthew 16:19-20. An investment in God’s children is an investment in His kingdom. By seeking prosperity through more fully loving the people around us, we are storing up treasures for ourselves in heaven, just as Jesus instructs. The point of prosperity is to honor God with it. He gives us blessings in life, and we in turn, are to use those blessings to glorify Him, no matter if they come in the form of money, possessions, or people. Jesus says in Matthew 6:33 (NIV), “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Whether we are living in lack or in plenty, if we take the blessings God gives us and do our best to honor Him with them, we will be fulfilled, content, and prosperous. Katie Hamilton is a high school English teacher from Arkansas. She loves spending time with her husband, family, and dog. Her favorite hobbies include reading, writing, and doing anything creative.