Faith Filled Family Magazine September 2016 | Page 54

faith, equipped with the wisdom, hope and power available to us through our Savior, Jesus Christ. Here’s King David’s perspective: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4) The presence, power, and authority of the Lord bring peace, comfort and security, even when death seems inescapable. Both in times of distress and times of peace, we must earnestly seek His presence. We can draw near to Him in a variety of ways; in prayer, in worship, studying His Word, and even just being still, laying aside our thoughts and worries and listening for His voice. As we get to know Him more and spend time with Him, finding His presence becomes effortless. We have perpetual access to the peace, hope and power He provides. Take a look at a few of Paul’s thoughts on life and death: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.” (Philippians 1:2124) Through Paul’s words, it is evident that in Christ, there is hope to be found both in death, and in continuing to live here on earth. If we belong to Christ completely, it is certain that when we die, we will be with Him forever and YOU! He formed every part in Heaven. Here are a few scrip- of you, breathed life into you, tures describing Heaven: and adores you more than you can even comprehend. Imagine “The twenty-four elders will fall being with Jesus Christ forever down before Him who sits on and ever, our Savior who came the throne, and will worship Him to teach and guide us, and ultiwho lives forever and ever, and mately suffered and died on the will cast their crowns before the Cross so that our sins could be throne, saying, forgiven, and we could be with ‘Worthy are You, our Lord and Him. Imagine a place completely our God, to receive glory and saturated with love, with joy, with honor and power; for You cre- peace, with the Glory of God! It’s ated all things, and because of no wonder Paul wrote that dying Your will they existed, and were and going home to Christ will created.’” (Revelation 4:10-11) be “better by far” than remaining on earth. Though we leave “He will wipe away every tear the world which is familiar to from their eyes; and there will us, it is clear that where we are no longer be any death; there headed is so much greater that will no longer be any mourning, we should face our new home or crying, or pain; the first things with anticipation and excitement have passed away.” (Revelation instead of fear. 21:4) That being said, Paul clearly “The material of the wall was states that it was necessary for jasper; and the city was pure Him to remain on earth for the gold, like clear glass. The foun- sake of the people. Recognizing dation stones of the city wall that the Lord had created him to were adorned with every kind fulfill a unique and very specific of precious stone.” (Revelation purpose, Paul was committed to 21:18-19) fulfilling that purpose, no matter what the cost. He acknowledged “And there will no longer be any his deep desire to be in Heaven night; and they will not have with the Lord, and for the time, need of the light of a lamp nor laid it aside and joined to God’s the light of the sun, because the will. Jesus himself taught us to Lord God will illumine them; and pray this way: they will reign forever and ever.” (Revelation 22:5) “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, Wow! The breathtaking, awe- On earth as it is in heaven.” inspiring scene painted in Rev- (Luke 9:10) elation is so majestic it brings tears to my eyes. Mere words For what purpose did God create barely scratch the surface of you? What is His will for your the glory Heaven holds. Imag- life? If you don’t have a solid ine living forever in the presence answer to this question, I strongly of the Lord God who created encourage you to diligently seek the entire universe, every star, it. I can personally attest that every mountain, every creature, nothing has provided more per-