Faith Filled Family Magazine September 2016 | Page 41

make these changes. Can our country’s decline be reversed? Absolutely it can. It will not happen, however, until the church stands up as the church and begins to be the voice for right and truth, and we pray harder than we ever have for the incline of godly principles, restored love of the neighbor, and renewed biblical principles in political views. Matthew 5:44 “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and perse- be prayer that will reverse the cute you; curse that our nation is under right now. It will be prayer only Mark 11:25 that will change the hearts of the “And when ye stand praying, people, the government and of forgive, if ye have ought against God himself. With much prayer any: that your Father also which and fasting, labor and faith in is in heaven may forgive you our Lord, America truly can be your trespasses.” “Great Again”. Author Bio Acts 8:22 “Repent therefore of this thy Rev. Tammie Croft is an Ordained wickedness, and pray God, if Minister of the Pentecostal perhaps the thought of thine faith. She carries an Associates heart may be forgiven thee.” Degree in Theology and is the author of two books. She is the These along with so many other co-founder with her husband of scriptures teach us that prayer Faith in Motion Ministries. She is the key to all things that we is an Evangelist and preaches have need of; both individu- wherever the Lord leads her. ally and corporately, and it will