Faith Filled Family Magazine September 2016 | Page 31

Interviewed Murray by Helen us to do are also good for us! Welcome John and thank you for your time. I really enjoyed reading your book as education about money is high priority in today’s crazy materialistic culture. The book, according to the intro, is aimed at the younger generation learning to be more forthcoming with their financial contributions to their favourite charities or causes. Randy Alcorn, in the forward, quotes you as saying ‘Generousity promotes physical and emotional well-being.’ Is this a reason for becoming generous? Thankfully, God is generous to us. The things He commands rather than after wealth has already been obtained makes We have no guarantee of physi- the decision to live according cal or emotional well-being to Godly principles that much in this earth. (Just read the easier. Psalms, and you’ll get a vivid tour of depression, oppression, You contrast this with ‘giving and injustice in the righteous as we feel led’ (p9) and then life.) But it’s nice to know that not really ever feeling the God’s design for living generally urge! promotes our well-being. (P16) Abraham recognises As Christians, we should follow that all resources including the Lord because we love Him money are from God and are and want to bring glory to His essentially His. name. However, that doesn’t mean we have to be blind to (P18) It is worth highlightthe benefits we’ll receive in the ing that ‘God intended one of process. In His grace, God has the three tithes to be used to given us salvation – eternal throw a giant festival.’ security – along with way to live in this life that is wise and full of I like how you present the blessings. complete financial picture as the Old Testament draws it. P 8. We believe that making It begins to clarify for us the these decisions early on, whole of God’s attitude to