Faith Filled Family Magazine September 2016 | Page 115

me that the same curse words have been used over and over, throughout the ages. Shouldn’t they have gone out of style by now? Yet they continue to be used and abused– by young and old. One of the saddest things to see and hear is a child cursing every other word, or an older person cursing. All of it is pointless no matter who is doing the cursing. These words should be far from the mouths –and heartsof believers. What about criticism and harsh, cruel judgment that we inflict on others with our words? This is an example of a spiritual heart condition that needs attention right away. Unfortunately, we do not see the condition of the heart so the person can go on for long periods of time this way without anyone having the courage to confront the individual. Yet, when we hear words that are mean-spirited coming out of the mouth of a believer on a regular basis, they need us to pray for them, and finally tell them. They may not be aware that this is a problem that is hurtful to them and to the body of Christ. After all, as far as they know, they are a Christian. They accepted Christ as their Savior. So why do they need a lesson in watching their words? They need it because it is hurtful to others. The tongue is like a dagger when used in such a way. James said it is like “fire” that damages everything in its path. He also called it a “restless evil, full of deadly poison.” He also said of the tongue, “no human being can tame it.” (James 3:7-8). Wow, that’s powerful. Think of it: every beast or creature God made can be tamed according to scripture. This means that even animals we would never imagine can be tamed, actually can be tamed. But no one, no human being has ever, or can ever, tame the tongue. What a thought! But remember the tongue gets all of its information from the soul of man – his heart. The heart includes the mind, the emotions. Our perceptions, experiences, and what we think and believe as a result all come into play when you’re talking about what’s in a man’s heart. Jesus said, “… For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” (Luke 6:45). Flattery would certainly fall into the category of idle words. The Bible speaks against flattery letting us know it is not to be trusted. The reason is because there’s usually an underlying intent. When a person is sincere, they do not need to flatter you with their words. They are simply trying to encourage you or build you up. But when it is flowery, and overdone, it is insincere and not to be trusted. “They speak idly everyone with his neighbor; with flattering lips and a double heart they speak.” (Psalm 12:2). Yet the same chapter encourages us by saying, “The words of the Lord are pure words. Like silver tried in a furnace of earth; purified seven times.” (Psalm 12:6). We can trust God’s words to be light and life to us. His words and bring healing and hope to us. If we would only speak His words and speak life to our own lives, and to our own situations, what a difference we would begin to see. I choose to speak God’s words over my life. ___________________