Faith Filled Family Magazine September 2016 | Page 114

will come up short , for today , tomorrow , and beyond , for as long as you choose to believe it and speak it . When you say , “ I always forget things ,” you are declaring you will not remember important things without help , or without writing it down . You are speaking death over your ability to remember .
This is not to be confused with diseases that steal a person ’ s capacity to remember such as Alzheimer ’ s or Dementia related illnesses . We are talking about speaking death and therefore causing the ability to remember to wane . It is so much deeper than just saying a bunch of words when we speak . We need to realize the words we choose to speak have meaning and carry weight . In fact , God is the only one qualified to use these Absolutes . This is because He cannot lie . When He says , “ I will never leave you ,” He means exactly that . We can trust Him to do what He says .
If I want to speak life to my finances , I can simply say what God ’ s Word says , “ And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus .” ( Phil . 4:19 NKJV ) There is really no need to add an absolute . The Word itself is absolute ! God ’ s Word is sure , It is “ yea and amen ” to those of us who believe . We can trust His words and we should use them daily to declare what we shall have . We have the power to declare what shall be , and what shall not be – whether we realize it or not .
The Word says , “ Whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven …” So where does that leave us when we say thing such as , “ I never have enough money ”? Are we in fact causing the financial blessings God has for us to be “ bound ” on earth ? Could we therefore be causing them to also be bound in Heaven because we ’ ve bound them on earth ? God ’ s Word is sure , so we have to take it seriously and take care to use our words carefully . Our words should agree with His Word and what He says about any situation we are going through . We speak life by speaking what God has spoken , and not what we feel or think at any given moment .
Pray , Say , and Believe
When we pray , we should say with our heart and with our mouths , what we want the Lord to do for us . Some people believe in a “ heartfelt ” prayer that is quiet and unspoken . That is fine if that is what you believe . But when Christ modeled the way we should pray , He said , “ When you pray , say …” That tells me it is important to actually say the words . They can be barely audible , or barely above a whisper . But you and God need to know what you have said . It is important to hear the words come out of your own mouth . And yes , they should be heartfelt . He wants us to spill out our emotions and cry out to Him .
But He also wants us to speak what He has spoken . Crying out to God in prayer is good . But that will only help you let it go and release some of the weight . That is also good . Now the next part is saying what He has said about your situation . We have authority to call things into existence . The
Word puts it this way , “ -God , who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did .” God does it , and He expects us to use the authority He gave us to do it as well .
The next step is to believe . We can pray , and say , and speak words of life . However , we have to do it believing or else what is the point ? “ But let him ask in faith , with no doubting , for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind .” ( James 1:6 ). So we see the importance of praying to our Heavenly Father as believers . We first exalt Him and worship Him just because of who He is . We then say what we feel , need and want from Him . Next , we believe in our hearts that what we have requested is granted if it is in line with His will . And we know it is , if we have said what His Word says .
Idle Words
Jesus cautioned us in Matthew 12:36 against using idle words . The word “ idle ” here means empty , careless words that serve no purpose . Gossip falls into this category . When we gossip , we talk about other people , usually not in a good way . It is usually meant to discredit them in some manner . We may think it is harmless , but it is not . Gossip makes the person you are talking to look at the person you are talking about in a unfavorable way . That is usually the underlying intent .
Certainly profanity would fall into this category of empty , useless , careless words . It amazes