Faith Filled Family Magazine October 2016 | Page 29

John Bevere Interview deathbed- not because that is when they discovered Christ while dying, but out of a sheer determination that they will live their life the way they wanted, and receive salvation just before they go. eternity is certain, however, in this judgment, we will be judged by our heart- our motives- and our eyes will be opened to the truth. We will be held accountable by all that we do- both good and bad- and our eternity in Heaven- our rewards/crownsJohn explains that when we re- will be determined by how eterpent on our deathbed, we miss nity-driven we were on earth. the rewards that Heaven has to offer. Sure, we are saved, As John had mentioned, our lives however we are only rewarded do not stop at salvation, but are for the eternity minded things a stepping-stone to something that we do here on earth (the larger. Our time here on earth is crowns). When we die, we will only a fraction of what is waiting all be judged- both the saved and for us in Heaven, and we decide the unsaved. There is a misno- by our obedience, our actions, mer that only the unsaved are and our motives what our eternity judged- and they are- but their will look like. In his book, Driven eternity is certain. Equally so, By Eternity, John discusses how believers are judged, and their we can tell if our motives are temporal, or eternal, and how to be eternity-driven and the purpose behind it. Being eternity driven is something that every believer should strive for-vie foras it is forever. Why wouldn’t we make our forever glorious? Why wouldn’t we strive to fulfill God’s plan and purpose for our lives as it glorifies our Creator of whom we give thanks? When we are eternity-driven (minded) everything we do is for the glory of God, and this benefit us not only here on earth, but for an infinite amount of time in eternity. God rewards us for our obedience in Heaven! John also commented that his book will change and transform