Faith Filled Family Magazine November 2016 | Page 62

and he or she said, “Yes!” “I know you very well, and I believe the problem could be something you’ve done.” How would you feel, or what would you say? Consider the Book of John: Chapter 16, Verse 24 ~ “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask, and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” Maybe it isn’t what we are asking, so much as how we are asking? I know you have heard that before. Then perhaps there are other times when it could be what we are asking. What do people ask God? What would make your life better? For some, it is something monetary. A house, a car, money in the bank, an early retirement, or a retirement at all. Others want love from a family, a husband or wife, children, and friends. Some look forward to a job with a steady income or a college degree providing them stability in the job market. Celebrities and athletes need the necessary talent to fulfill their dreams. If a celebrity lose their beauty over time, or an athlete gets injured, they can become unable to continue their career. In the highlight of their careers, they have reached a place in their life where a barrier has kept them from seeing past where they are. This barrier could be worry or doubt, and has presented itself to make a point. What happens to these people? Do they get frustrated or concerned? Of course, this is their livelihood or the way they live their life, and for something to take away their have nowhere to turn. God’s word tells us we can call on him for anything and at any time. For some people, they wait until the worst possible thing happens, they reach out to God, and then smite with words when their world isn’t corrected as quickly as they’d hoped. There are also times in the lives of God’s people when just the opposite happens. What about those times And for the people who get up when people must face the fact and go to work every day, who their lives will not be corrected, have no idea what this life mir- or at least not as far as life unrors? They come to the realiza- folds in sheets of doubt such as tion this has happened to them in the Book of James: Chapter 1, before, and you must simply find Verses 6-7 ~ another dream. For the celebrity or the athlete, there is no other “But when you ask, you must bedream; there is only this dream. lieve and not doubt, because the Therefore, the only option is not one who doubts is like a wave of that different, right? And there the sea, blown and tossed by the we have our answer. Have you wind. 7 That person should not ever heard the phrase, “Don’t expect to receive anything from treat someone like a priority if the Lord.” they treat you like an option”? Let’s ponder that a moment. For those individuals who have Why would God want to listen come to the Lord, or for those to you pray for a better tomor- people who have accepted God row when he’s been an option as their Lord and Savior, their all this time? If the athlete, the entire life revolves around God’s celebrity, or you are worried be- word. Every Christian knows cause of how things have turned each person will reach a day of out, and since you feel you have deliverance. For every mature lost everything, you go to God Christian, every sin is recognizin prayer. In the Book of Philip- able at a greater magnitude and every good deed, hardly noticed. pians: Chapter 4, Verses 6-7 ~ Their whole life is spent just like “Do not be anxious about any- this. God’s word may tell Christhing, but in every situation, by tians to be perfect, but for a prayer and petition, with thanks- Christian, this is an impossible giving, present your requests to standard to achieve, because God. 7 And the peace of God, God is not with us. God does not which transcends all under- leave us in those times of need. standing, will guard your hearts Lately, we have been experiencand your minds in Christ Jesus.” ing terrorist attacks in our country and other nations around the In every situation, this verse world. Does that mean God will says, not when the world came shield all of his followers, and alcrashing down, and you feel you low only those who do not know endurance, their strength, their ability to do the only thing they feel they can do? For them, this is a roadblock and the life they have known, the only life they have ever known is over. What happens when these people break down? Whether it be worry or doubt, they know nothing other than what they’ve done, or the dream they once had?