Faith Filled Family Magazine November 2016 | Page 43

In this context, continuing to pray is paramount. Praying insistently with expectant hope is vital. Doing this is a reminder to the one praying, to have patience and to keep hope at the forefront of their thoughts. When praying is mostly abandoned, hope and patience dwindle to an afterthought and disappointment in God for not answering their plea for relief from trials and tribulations. If God answered each prayer upon request during troubling times and events, where would the reliance on God be? God would be relegated to a fixer in the lives of His people, not the caring and loving God working steadfastness and endurance in believers encouraging them to answer His calling to follow Him into Heaven with faith and hope. something negative happens in life, praising God is the last thing on their mind with faith and hope in His promises thrown out the window as well. Faith and hope though, is a life time of relationship building with God and the journey will have its slopes and cliffs to walk over and overcome. It can be hard to see the forest for the trees when caught up in an unwelcomed situation. As faith grows, hope grows, and when these two work in tandem, giving thanks and praising God in the worse moments is in the forefront of thought rather than becoming a second thought or forgotten about. It is difficult to see God in the moments of dismay. Responding to what is seen or felt emotionally is the reality at the moment Faith and Hope in Jesus is the of horrible situations. Chrispinnacle aspect of the Christian tians are supposed to walk by faith. Without faith and hope in faith and not by sight (2Co 5:7), Christ, there is no foundation in meaning there needs to be a rethe Christian faith to hold too. liance on God, not the tangible. Faith and hope provide a means In the moment of a trial, or when to face and overcome tempta- succumbing to sin, the question tions and troubles in life. In the of where God is or was can be face of trials, hope and faith pro- a compulsive idea not easily revide the strength to give thanks- linquished. Dwelling on the abgiving to God, regardless of the sence of God can cause a Chrisebbs and flow in life. The prob- tian to question why God was not lem with man is that he is a fallen with them, not there to intervene. creature and doubt in faith and Isaiah 41:10 (KJV) states, “Fear hope step into situations causing thou not; for I am with thee: be Christians to question the valid- not dismayed; for I am thy God: ity of their faith or that of God’s I will strengthen thee; yea, I will promises. Hebrews 13:8 states help thee; yea, I will uphold thee Jesus Christ is the same in the with the right hand of my righpast, present, and future. He is teousness.” Knowing God is never changing in His character present and omnipotent in the and promises to man. He does situation should bring comfort. not falter in His ways. He makes In the times of trouble, His righno mistakes. He is all loving and teousness needs to be rememhas infinite love for His children. bered and relied upon. KnowChristians can forget this when ing God will help and provide faced with the ills of life. When strength is enoug h knowledge to the Christian to give thanks to God when confronted with trying events and times. God being God Himself in the lives and events of the Christian demands praise and demands thanksgiving for His power and strength, regardless of. There seems to be a tendency to give thanks to God only when good and positive things happen to the Christian. Glory and praise is given for His blessings poured out upon the receiver. Whereas praise is given during times of abundance in the lives of Christians, there is an impregnable silence when the opposite occurs. When the good happens in life, it has been heard from believers and church leaders to give “glory and praise to God in His blessings.” Though this is paramount in the relationship with God, He does not need to be compartmentalized to receive only praise in the wellness of life. There is ease in giving praise when the winds are at the backs of believers. There is uneasiness in giving praise to an all loving God when a strong head wind and turbulence is encountered. Tears stream down the faces of those in great joy and great sadness, but they are tears nonetheless. God is God as well when there is joy and sadness. He is always standing with His arms wide open to receive His children in both the ups and downs of life. God celebrates and mourns with His people, He does not turn His back nor pushes any of His children to the wayside. Ephesians 5:20 states to always give thanks for all things to God in the name of Jesus. This verse says all things at all times.