Faith Filled Family Magazine November 2016 | Page 42

Not too well and failure is always on the horizon. Thanking God for Him being omnipotent in times of trial needs to be first and foremost. Remember, when troubles come, the reaction to such provides an indication of where one’s at in relationship with God. to face or overcome. There is no indication incitements to commit sin ever go away in this world. No, this verse speaks of enduring, to fight and resist against sin. If there is a charge to endure, this indicates temptations will continue to come. When the believer endures, they fight through, Trials and tribulations are a giv- much like an exhausted athlete en. There is no doubt about this. will keep giving his all when he is If one says otherwise, they are tired- he does not quit but fights blind and live in a world of make to the end. Christians too must believe. All people face bad fight, day in and day out, until events in life. These events can the end of this earthly life. A conbe hiccups or traumatic events, stant battle rages in this world in any given day, and anything in and Christians have targets on between. Most of the time, peo- their back with evil aiming for ple are the ones who get them- the bullseye to knock Christians selves in a bind. They are not down with temptation and sin good at managing money. They to drive a wedge between them have wandering eyes. They are and Christ. God does not want the predicator of actions leading believers to be beat down by the to arguments, ill will towards oth- world but to receive salvation, ers, etc. A common copout is to through Christ (1Th 5:9) through blame Satan for troubles. Chris- His mercy and grace. Temptatians blame Satan for their short- tion may cause great ill to come comings with substance abuse, upon man, yet God does not infidelity, and anything else fail- want this. He wants all to come ing in life and contrary to God to Him, freely, to accept Christ as and His tea chings. Satan does savior and endure the world and not deserve such a high standing its ills until the journey on this for life going aloof for believers. earth is over a believers are with Sure, and of course, Satan and Him in heaven and eternity. his minions dangle temptation like a carrot on a stick in front of Some Christians who face tribuChristians, but he doesn’t force lations are tempted to walk away one to follow nor eat of the car- from God- they are labeled as rot. It is the strength and internal fair-weather Christians. They fortitude received from the Holy love Jesus and worship Him and Spirit that enables believers to thank Him for blessings they reovercome temptation with vic- ceive but when troubles come, tory. when faced with adversity, these people are more inclined to James 1:12 (KJV): “Blessed is cease praise and thanksgiving the man that endureth tempta- to God and walk away. Virtually tion: for when he is tried, he shall turning their backs on God, the receive the crown of life, which fair-weathered Christian cannot the Lord hath promised to them understand trials and tribulations that love him/.” This verse in no come to everyone and so they way indicates temptation is easy turn back to the world believing it can help them more than God. This is troubling in itself. Romans 12:12 (KJV) states “Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.” Hope, patience, and prayer. These are some fundamental pillars to rely on when facing adversity in this world. The fallen world is filled with unbelievers who hate Christians, and do their best to marginalize those who follow Christ. If the world can put enough pressure on Christians to move them to fall for temptation or turn from God through the heartache of troubles, they have won. Though Christ overcame the world, souls still have to make the choice of Christ or the world, of salvation or damnation. Patience is hard in this day and age and affects hope. The society of the world includes instant information, instant service, and instant fill-in-the-blank. For most people patience is waiting five minutes or so until frustration moves in because of the wait. When the Bible speaks of patience, patience can be of any length of time, whether a day, year, or decade. This world operates in linear space, i.e., time. God is not linear for He sees the beginning and the end so when patience is called for, whatever is happening must be endured until God intervenes with action or guidance. Patience is not an inherent trait but must be practiced and actively engaged with. When patience is lacking, hope dissipates rather quickly. The opposite is true as well. When patience is practiced, it feeds hope and with more hope comes more patience.