Faith Filled Family Magazine November 2016 | Page 103

sure fear would stop you in your Man has a well-developed in- tracks. However, if a small child built sense of justice not evi- slipped into the freezing water dent in animals. Does this and began to drown, love would represent an inexplicable gap push away your fears and you between man and chimpan- would no doubt jump without zee, or a Man’s capacity to re- hesitation. Perfect love would late to his Creator? overcome fear. The sense of and yearning for justice is what separates man- That’s what happens when we kind from the beasts. We have see the terrible danger awaiting that because we are unique in lost sinners. If they die in their creation. We are made in the im- sins, they will justly end up in age of God. a terrible place called “Hell.” If the love of God dwells in us we You say that fear can alter- shouldn’t be fearful to jump into natively be called ‘the will to the icy waters of evangelism. live’. That will to live needs to be cancelled to eliminate fear. Your parachute comparison is Japanese religion and some an astounding lesson in logMuslims train their young men ic. What is the difference bein kamakazi methodology. It tween using logic to discover could be said they have over- truth and using logic to defend come the fear of death. Is this an argument? Which is more like the biblical teaching about common and why? overcoming the fear of death? The logic of Christianity boils If I get into an elevator on the down to one rhetorical question: 80th floor of the Empire State “What shall it profit a man if he Building and feel fear, it shows shall gain the whole world and that I lack faith. But if I have com- lose his own soul?” The simpliciplete faith in the elevator, there ty and logic of that statement will will be no fear. only be realized by many, on the Day of Judgment. Those who completely trust God and His promises will have no Oh Ray, I loved your use of fear in the face of death. Psalm 139 as a celebration of new birth. It shows how very It’s not a matter of conditioning, much alive are the verses of as a Japanese or Muslim soldier the Bible – like a laser beam. in training. How were you first impacted by the power of scripture, and It’s rather a simple choice to trust also how did you most reGod’s promises without doubt- cently become devastated (in ing. The trust isn’t misguided, a good sense) by that power? and will never be disappointed. No human being can begin to comprehend or describe the The Bible says that perfect power and the majesty of God. love overcomes fear. How do Words like “brilliant,” “genius,” you see that? “amazing,” and “awesome” all If I asked you to jump off a 20- fall woefully short. Since my confoot cliff into ice-filled water, I’m version, I have been speechless about the genius of God seen in creation. When I collect eggs from our chickens, I ask how it is that God can create dumb birds who the ability to daily produce delicious hygienically sealed packages from our dinner scraps? We often pair the words “praise and worship” when they are poles apart. Praise can be easily expressed, but worship is silent awe. Singing birds, fruitbearing trees, the blueness of the sky, the warmth of the sun, the communication expressed in a human or even a dog’s eye, and a million other things send me into unspeakable awe at the power of God. Ray, you challenge every Christian leader to train themselves for presenting these powerful truths. How urgently do you see these present times and this task? What is the focus of the training program you offer? Every minute 100 people die. Every hour, 6,000 human beings are swallow by death. There is a terrible urgency, and one great hindrance to our reaching out to this world, is fear. We teach people how to overcome the fear we all have that so easily paralyzes us, when it comes to sharing our faith. Thank you Ray Comfort. I pray many will become involved in effective use and distribution of this very powerful set of tools. I see it as essential viewing the world over where reason is assigned priority as a thought process. is the place to look for details. I pray our Father’s exponential blessing on its use.