Faith Filled Family Magazine March 2017 | Page 73


In a world filled with so much horror and chaos and hunger and pain it can be easy for us to wonder , what difference can I make ? I ’ m just one person . I want to remind you of a very simple , yet powerful truth — when you accepted Jesus into your life , you were born into the family of God ! You are no longer just one person ; you are a child of God and part of the body of Christ . You have the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead living inside of you activating and empowering you do anything that God calls you to do ( Rom . 8:11 ).

So now let us begin this journey of letting go of those doubts and worries , all of those old hindering thoughts that would somehow exclude you from the ministry of the gospel for which you are called to by Christ Jesus our Lord , and let ’ s exchange them for the truth which is this : you have a job to do . A mission . You have been commissioned by God and given an assignment by Jesus and that is to go into all the world and preach the gospel . You ’ re not told exactly what your mission is going to look like , but you are told where to find your marching orders and that ’ s in the word of God and through prayer .
Jesus said in Matthew 9:37 ¬– 38 , “ The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few . Ask the Lord of the harvest , therefore , to send out workers into his harvest field ” ( emphasis added ).
The first step in making a difference in the world around you is to ask yourself this one very important question : “ Why ?” Why do I want to make a difference ? Is it because everyone else seems to be doing it ? Is it because something you saw on Dr . Phil inspired you to do more to impact the world around you ? Or is it a response to something deep inside you that is drawing you to touch the lives of those around you ?
I believe for most believers there is a deep angst within our spirit aching for the lost and hurting world around us . When we are born again and made new in Christ we are ignited with a fire to respond to the great commission to go into all the world and make disciples by preaching the good news to the poor . It ’ s
the mission Jesus started when He walked the earth and we are meant to continue by the leading of the Holy Spirit .
Before ascending into heaven after the resurrection , Jesus released a mandate for all who would believe , “ No go …” But before the disciples could go they were told to wait . Wait on what ? They were to wait on the infilling of the Holy Spirit that occurred in Acts 2 . This was the gas for their tank , so to speak . It ’ s by the power of the Holy Spirit within us that we go into all the world and preach the good news of Christ to the lost and broken .
“ But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you ; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem , and in all Judea and Samaria , and to the ends of the earth .” — Acts 1:8