Faith Filled Family Magazine March 2017 | Page 58

Maybe we think He ’ s just watching to protect us . He is doing that , but that is not all . While I don ’ t believe God is watching just to see if we slip up , because He already knows we will , I do believe what scripture says , and it would behoove us all to be aware .
Proverbs 15:3 says , “ The eyes of the Lord are in every place ; keeping watch on the evil and the good .”
Godly characteristics include kindness , patience , and showing mercy and goodwill to others . These seem easy enough to display at times , and many often do just that . They display traits that are acceptable and desirable , but they do not practice them . I often wonder why . No one is perfect , I understand . However , when it comes to godliness and trying to be more like Christ , that is a lesson for every believer to strive to adhere to on a daily basis .
Why not practice these traits in the workplace , and everywhere we go ? We don ’ t have to put godliness away just to fit in , or even try to get ahead on the job . How Important Is It to Get Ahead Anyway ?
Everyone likes the idea of winning or that of “ getting ahead ” – especially in the workplace . Often there is competition with other employees for a promotion or for recognition on a project worked on . How do you get noticed without pushing others to the background ? How do you stand your ground when you feel