Faith Filled Family Magazine March 2017 | Page 51

to remain true to the faith . “ We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God ,” they said .” ( NIV )
The Bible says to expect these persecutions and hardships , for they are part of God ’ s will . Christians understand it is necessary . It is not too much to ask , considering all that God went through . We all know that bad things happen . And for those who believe , we accept the trou- sembly as rioting , vandalizing businesses and private property , screaming accusations at people passing , cursing and making vulgar gestures to get their point across . I suppose demonstrating a lack of self-respect , or disrespecting your families with your behavior , or speaking blasphemy towards the Lord in some way can heal the heart . There is still the claim that Christians are acting “ non-Christianly ” towards others , just because they are not participating in these outbursts . It is the Christians who they can hardly tolerate because religious affiliations and their followers have forgotten “ who Americans are .” Have we reached a point where we must commit to being Americans or Christians ? It hardly seems that we should , I mean we have been both for so long .
Could it be some of us are feeling the effects of trying days ahead ? As Christians , we know we will have bad days . We expect many to come while we are on this Earth . In the book of Acts , Chapter 14 , Verse 22 :
“ Strengthening the disciples and encouraging them