Faith Filled Family Magazine March 2017 | Page 40

Christians do not follow this line of thinking , but Satan has capitalized on this weakness of man . He wants us to divert attention from God and to believe that we can only rely on ourselves . Satan has used the things of the world to turn people away from truth and has capitalized on this to an extent that people are only entwined with themselves . He wants us to believe the lie that truth is not what is in the Bible , but is what you think is best for yourself . When man leaves God out of the formula , there is chaos in society ; changes in values and morals ebb and flow all the while swirling to destruction .
The lie of self-centered life has led to the societal norms to be everything but God-centered . Seemingly every aspect of society holding some Christian value is hated . Life is not about living for God or doing His will , but is about rebelling against the edicts of Christian living .
Secularism is the new god . People no longer look for God in life , but look to man . Any praise goes to self . Do you have troubles ? Turn to society for help . Living in sin ? Man makes the sin the norm . Society believes man is the answer to all the world ’ s ills , believing they can save themselves by themselves , not with God . Salvation is not a word known to this society , but is seen as a farce to a more enlightened world where man ’ s way is the only way .
Society believes that they are the way to happiness , to solving problems , to enlightenment . Christians and Christian values are seen as a threat to the man-god world . Christians are therefore looked down upon and mocked through marginalization . Christian living is old-fashioned by society ’ s standards . The beliefs of society without Christian values have led to the desensitization of these values and have led to acceptance of liberal ways ; those values contrary to God . One could say there is an attack on Christian values for the sake of self . So , what are Christian values anyway ? What is it that drives followers of Christ each day and brings hate by nonbelievers ? By knowing what Christian values are , the contradictions and desensitization to them are more easily seen . Satan has turned the world away from these values , turning man against God .
Christians know God is the Creator of all things seen and unseen . Christians know existence is only possible with God and each breath is a gift from God . Exodus 20:3 ( KJV ) says , “ Thou shalt have no other gods before me .” Society does not adhere to this keystone value . The world has other gods they worship : celebrities , money , sex , and materialism are the main gods society looks to for their own happiness . Satan has used these false gods to keep man away from the true God .
Society purports that their gods are the key to happiness . Commercialism drives this belief . Every advertisement is about “ stuff ”. Conversations are about self and how to get ahead . The world wants man to buy things to be happy and if they don ’ t have that “ thing ”, they won ’ t be . Sexual enticements abound to sway people to want more money , more things , and to be happier with worldly items and ideas . These gods are false gods that take away from the true God . God is the only God deserving worship by man , not worldly idols such as materialism or liberalism . In Matthew 22:37 ( KJV ), “ Jesus said unto him , Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart , and with all thy soul , and with all thy mind .” This is the first and foremost commandment next to loving neighbors as ourselves . If the first commandment Jesus stated was to love God and the second commandment is to have no other gods , what is man doing ? Man is rebelling , even so today . If God is not put first , then God is not being worshiped as He deserves . Christians understand this , but those of the world do not .
In Matthew 22:39 ( KJV ), Jesus states “ And the second is like unto it , Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself .” Other people are neighbors . The love of others must be maintained as a core value . Lending a hand to others , helping them through troubles and tribulations is loving neighbors . Loving others is a reflection the light of Christ . Christ loved all men , not just the pious or educated , but He loved the downtrodden , weak , and those living a life of sin . Christians are no better than anyone else and are sinful by nature , just like everyone else . All men deserve to