Faith Filled Family Magazine July 2016 | Page 95

speak far louder to children than words of advice. When a parent models proper behavior, counsel is more likely to be accepted by a teen that has experienced the heartbreak of a failed relationship. Single parents have an added opportunity to model proper behavior in relationships. Teens will do what they see more than what they are told and setting up parameters and safeguards in a courting relationship are not ideals that should be sought for the young and inexperienced, every Christian courting relationship between a male and female. Those who have experienced the joys of sexual activity in a marriage relationship may be more susceptible to moral failure, providing a terrible example for the next generation. Credibility is crucial to a healthy parent/child relationship and providing comfort and guidance to a teen may be hindered by a poor example on the part of a parent. If a courting relationship fails, parents should be the go to people for the brokenhearted teen and how a parent exhibits godly behavior in their personal life will go a long way to the parent’s role of counselor, comforter and guide. each parent with a part in shaping the future of mankind. Parents train the next generation and will eventually entrust the future to that generation. It is no surprise that the generation that fought so hard for the right to abort the pre-born will be the first generation whose children will have the power of life and death in euthanasia. Parents leave a legacy, for good or bad. The conversations a parent begins having with children concerning relationships will shape future behavior. Purity modeled by parents will impact future behavior. Prayers said early in a child’s life will impact future behavior. It is never too early to begin praying for a child’s future spouse. Young people have many voices competing with God’s voice; parents must be diligent in not adding to that competition. CONCLUSION The current generation faces challenges to purity and godliness that no other modern generation has faced. Gender identity preference and sexual freedom have suddenly become political issues as well as cultural. The loudest voices are in favor of sin and debauchery. PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY Training up a child in the way he should go has never been more Parenthood is a gift from God: difficult. Concerning issues of Psalms 127:3-5—‘Behold, chil- dating and relationships, proper dren are a heritage from the structure now will lead to good LORD, the fruit of the womb a decisions and outcomes later. reward. Like arrows in the hand Teaching children to court unto of a warrior are the children of marriage rather than allowing one’s youth. Blessed is the man casual or even traditional dating who fills his quiver with them! He will encourage maturity and shall not be put to shame when help guard against destructive he speaks with his enemies in behavior. Society will continue the gate.’ God has entrusted to evolve away God and His precepts; the Church must not evolve along with society. God’s standards of purity are the same today as they were 5000 years ago. Neither the Supreme Court, nor any Presidential Directive can change God’s commands. The enemy wants the next generation, in order to destroy it: John 10:10—‘The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.’ The abundant Christian life requires obedience to God; therefore, parents are called to lead their children down pathways of obedience. Modeling and teaching the principles of courting in place of dating can go a long way toward leading a young person down a safe path. Paul Ahnert is a freelance writer and blogger from Knoxville TN. Paul is a graduate of Andersonville Theological Seminary and is committed to discipleship, having developed a program of discipleship and study. You can follo w him on Facebook and Twitter or read his blog at www.