Faith Filled Family Magazine July 2016 | Page 84

Q uestion: How does a parent release their children into the world when they become an adult? The answer: Prayerfully. As a parent, it may never feel like the right time to let go and stop parenting your children. Yet, that is precisely what we are required to do in order for them to go Saying Good-Bye How to Release Your Children Into the World By Lisa Carter and grow. Is it easy? Absolutely not! But if taken one day at a time, one step at a time, it can be done with the help of God. My daughter will soon be leaving home for college. Her face beams as she talks about this new chapter in her life, living oncampus, being on her own, etc. It’s an exciting time for her. It’s a new chapter in her life as well as in our family’s lives. She’s looking forward to all college has to offer her including making lots of new friends, and learning lots of new things. She’ll be making her own decisions, and pretty much doing what she wants to do. It’s all new and exciting to a teenager leaving home for the first time to be on their own. For a parent, however, there are mixed emotions. Am I excited for her? Yes. Do I want her to be able to go off to college? Of course. Do I want her to succeed in life and do well on her own?