Faith Filled Family Magazine July 2016 | Page 77

ized by someone they knew well.” 3 Mismatch of morals Just because a family sits next to you in church every week The perpetrators could, there- does not mean the Dad or teenfore, be parents, family mem- age son don’t watch R-rated bers, family friends or their older movies or play R-rated video children, neighbors, unmarried games at home that your child partners of a parent, babysitters, could be subjected to. camp counselors or teachers. If a family’s morals and values Avoiding a situation where our are not the same as yours, your children can be victimized in this child could be subjected to proway seems to be a no-brainer. In grams they would not normally his book, “Bringing up Girls,” Dr. be allowed to watch or games James Dobson argues that the they would not normally play. time for sleepovers has passed Even seemingly small things like and that there are too many risks parents fighting in front of chil- Let’s look at some of the arguments for sleepovers: 1 They know the family well Some parents genuinely know the family well enough and have spent enough time in the home to know that they have the same value systems and how their child would be treated. They are comfortable that their children will also be able to call to com e home at any time; Independence For children who are just learning to be independent of their parents, sleepovers could 2 involved in today’s world. dren could be distressing for a be an excellent exercise in child who is not used to that at making good choices when their home. parents are not around. This is Bullying also a great opportunity to deal We’ve all been there. Out of You also don’t want to be dealing with separation anxiety. Though ten children at the sleepover, with the effects on a child scared the sleepover itself could be a three are popular and call the to death after being pressured reward, the child could receive shots, five of them would do into a game of “calling up spirits”. further small rewards for their anything to be popular and the behavior at the sleepover. unfortunate two who were invited The aftermath because the parents know each Even if you decide to rather Children will be ostracized other, are left out, discussed, rid- have the sleepover at yours, you There is a definite fear iculed or bullied. will be dealing with the mess and amongst parents that their chilsleep-deprived children the next dren will feel left out if they are Sleepovers can create an unnat- day. not allowed to go to sleepovers. ural and vulnerable environment This could inadvertently start the where certain children are left PROS bullying they wanted to avoid in out, pressured into doing things There are, however, parents the first place. they wouldn’t normally or sub- who argue that sleepovers are jected to cruelty. an integral part of growing up. 2 4 3