Faith Filled Family Magazine July 2016 | Page 69

To execute these rules, kids need to know right from wrong and bad choices from good choices. For example; it’s ok to play with their toys as long as they understand they have to clean up and put the toys away. Even in Day Care, Pre–School, and Kindergarten, this rule is taught and carried out. And if they can do such in school, they can do the same at home. First, they need to understand that you are not their friend. There is a BIG difference in the relationship they have with their friends than what they have with their parents. And too many parents are comfortable being their children’s friends. Consider the relationship they have with their peers. There is a level of influence that is usually contrary to the manner in which you raise your children. Add to this, not all their friends follow positive behavior. They are most likely, loyal to a fault. In a word, even when their friends are wrong, they yet stand by them rather than pointing out that their action is wrong and possibly harmful. They would rather be accepted “To even if it means going along with what is not adhering to Godly principles. Seriously, do you want your child to be your friend? 2). Respect School Rules Rules are put in order to ensure they have a productive learning day at school and to keep them safe. As a former Substitute Teacher, my classroom rules were simplistic and easy to follow through. Whether inside the classroom, in the cafeteria, execute these rules, kids need to know right from wrong and bad choices from good choices.”