Faith Filled Family Magazine July 2016 | Page 62

thus able to avoid many pitfalls laid by the evil one! about the issue. If it goes contrary to it, it is not for them to show disrespect of other’s views It is good that parents teach by contradicting them, but they their young ones to respect any know they are to do it God’s authority in their lives. This does way. Lives have been changed not necessarily mean they agree through children that live out with all that is embodied by it, their lives in a godly way. Pray but that they are able to dwell in that when other people come peace even though knowledge into contact with your child they of varying belief is being taught. will be changed by their lives. When children are able to live This can only be through watchwith others who do not share ing these kids living in a way that their Christian beliefs, they are is not only different to theirs but mature in their Christian faith also in a peaceful manner. In way ahead of their time. This is some cases, our children have no doubt the full measure of win- little else to contribute in the ning over the souls of children to kingdom of God especially to the Lord is by engraving God’s those that are older than them word in their lives. but by showing respect despite the discrepancies. So, how does a parent teach their child to tell what is right Take time to discuss what your from the wrongs in the world? children are learning out there Armed with knowledge about the with them. You might be surword of God, you give your child prised how much information something to measure what they they are exposed to not only learn outside against. What this from their teachers, but also means is that no matter what their peers as well. Much as information comes their way, some parents might wish there outside of your home they have was a way to be able to cushsomething to weigh it against- ion these kids from the ways of the word of God. Since God’s the world, it is not possible. The Word is alive, it will definitely only way of going about this is by bear fruit in time, and you can keeping in step with any knowlbe sure of seeing its fruit in the edge attained from out there lives of your children. When you regarding their Christian beliefs teach children to base any truth and then teaching them to weigh on the word of God, you have it against God’s Word. Since secure kids that are well fitted you have already done a good to take over the world. Not just job teaching it to them, they will physically, but in their reaction to soon find out the falsehoods in contrary information that may be those other teachings. presented. God has ordained you to be Look at it this way. You have the first teacher in your child’s made certain that your kids have life. That is by no means a light the right Bible teachings. In the responsibility as it means that event they encounter contrary your child’s basis of life is in your information, they should weigh hands. Take that responsibility it against what the Bible says seriously as it will save not only you, but your child from a lot of trouble in life. The Word of God comes to sharpen the Spirit of a person thus making them less vulnerable to any falsehoods. Teach it to your child from when he is little so that he will grow up with knowledge of it. One of the best ways a parent can influence their child is by living their lives the godly way. Children learn very well by watching us and each parent should endeavor to pass on the right virtues to his/her child. Allow the word of God to saturate all areas of your life and you teach your kids that the solution for all life’s issues lies within Him. When kids see mom and dad hard at prayer about different issues in their lives, they learn to take up anything to God in prayer. When they watch these two very instrumental people in their lives resort to God when differences occur, they will likely do the same with others out there. This comes handy should they encounter people that do not subscribe to the truth of their beliefs. Parents should stay in tune with all that is going on in the lives of their children. Set aside time to spend with them so you can hear them out on various issues going on with them. When a child has the attention of a parent they are able to open up about all that is going on with them. Create family time when both you and your spouse seek out information of how your child is going on. By sharing experiences with them you encourage them to do the same, a thing that is vital for you to know their world. A child might come across a