Faith Filled Family Magazine July 2016 | Page 2

Contents Features GODLY LEADERS.................07 Preparing the next generation for leading in the world is a lifelong, but necessary task. CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE.......14 Your children’s friends may have an even greater influence than you think. How can you guide them in choosing wisely? GIFTS AND TALENTS...........18 God gives our children gifts and talents. Learn how to help and gude them through flowing in them. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES...........................38 Stick with it or try something else? A parent’s guide to extracurricular activities. RESPECTING AUHORITY.....68 We must teach our children to respect authority in order for them to succeed in life. Learn how to teach respect in a disrespectful world. SLEEPOVERS......................76 Fun past time, or recipie for disaster? In today’s world, are sleepovers still safe? THE DATING DILEMMA.........79 Don’t leave your children’s future mate to chance. Learn how to become involved. TEACHING YOUR CHILDREN GOOD WORK ETHICS..........42 Good work ethics don’t always come naturally. Teach your children how to overcome the flesh and live a disciplined, selfcontrolled life. INDEPENDENCE IN TEENS.21 Independence doesn’t have to be a power struggle. Learn how to impart wisdom in kids. LEAD BY EXAMPLE.............53 Telling your children to behave a certain way isn’t enough. In order to raise godly children, we, as parents must set the example. Parents, are you leading by example? SAYING GOOD-BYE.............84 Children grow up and leave. This article explores the emotions on saying good-bye and letting goeffectively. I’VE GRADUATEDNOW WHAT?..................................34 Discover how to guide your children into making the proper decision regarding their future. BATTLE BETWEEN SCHOOL AND FAITH............................60 Discover how to teach your children the Word while they are in the world. POWER OF PRAYER NEVER STOPS...................................88 Parents should never stop praying over their children- even if they are far from God.